ATI Capstone Medical Surgical Assessment 2 Quizlet

A nurse misreads a blood glucose level and administers excess insulin. What should the nurse monitor for?

    A. Monitor for hyperglycemia

    B. Monitor for hypoglycemia

    C. Administer glucose IV

    D. Monitor for increased thirst

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: The correct answer is to monitor for hypoglycemia. Excess insulin can lead to low blood glucose levels, causing hypoglycemia. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include sweating, trembling, dizziness, confusion, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. Options A, C, and D are incorrect because administering excess insulin would not lead to hyperglycemia or increased thirst, and administering glucose IV would exacerbate the issue by further lowering blood glucose levels.

What should the healthcare provider do first when a patient is admitted with chest pain and possible acute coronary syndrome?

  • A. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin
  • B. Get IV access
  • C. Auscultate heart sounds
  • D. Obtain cardiac enzymes

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Administering sublingual nitroglycerin is the priority intervention when a patient presents with chest pain and suspected acute coronary syndrome. Nitroglycerin helps dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow to the heart, and relieve chest pain. It is crucial to address the pain and potential ischemia promptly to prevent further cardiac tissue damage. Getting IV access, auscultating heart sounds, and obtaining cardiac enzymes are important assessments and interventions, but administering nitroglycerin takes precedence in managing acute coronary syndrome.

What are the expected symptoms of a thrombotic stroke?

  • A. Gradual loss of function on one side of the body
  • B. Sudden loss of consciousness
  • C. Severe headache and confusion
  • D. Loss of sensation in the affected limb

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The correct answer is A: 'Gradual loss of function on one side of the body.' In a thrombotic stroke, a clot blocks a cerebral artery, leading to a gradual onset of symptoms such as weakness, numbness, or paralysis on one side of the body. Choice B, 'Sudden loss of consciousness,' is more characteristic of a hemorrhagic stroke. Choice C, 'Severe headache and confusion,' are often associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage rather than thrombotic stroke. Choice D, 'Loss of sensation in the affected limb,' is not a typical symptom pattern for a thrombotic stroke, which usually presents with motor deficits.

What is the priority action for a patient experiencing chest pain from acute coronary syndrome?

  • A. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin
  • B. Administer aspirin
  • C. Obtain IV access
  • D. Check cardiac enzymes

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The correct answer is to administer sublingual nitroglycerin. This medication helps to dilate the blood vessels, reduce the workload on the heart, and improve blood flow to the heart muscle, providing immediate relief for chest pain in acute coronary syndrome. Administering aspirin is also crucial in the early management of acute coronary syndrome to prevent further clot formation. However, in terms of immediate symptom relief, nitroglycerin takes precedence over aspirin. Obtaining IV access is important for administering medications and fluids but is not the priority over providing immediate relief for chest pain. Checking cardiac enzymes is essential for diagnosing acute coronary syndrome but is not the immediate priority when a patient is experiencing chest pain.

What intervention is required when continuous bubbling is seen in the chest tube water seal chamber?

  • A. Tighten the connections of the chest tube system
  • B. Clamp the chest tube
  • C. Replace the chest tube
  • D. Continue monitoring the chest tube

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: When continuous bubbling is observed in the chest tube water seal chamber, tightening the connections of the chest tube system is the appropriate intervention. This action can often resolve an air leak, which is the common cause of continuous bubbling. Clamping the chest tube or replacing it is not recommended as the first-line intervention because it may lead to complications or unnecessary tube changes. Continuing to monitor the chest tube without addressing the air leak would delay necessary corrective action, potentially causing respiratory compromise in the patient. Therefore, tightening the connections of the chest tube system is the most suitable initial step to manage continuous bubbling in the water seal chamber.

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