ATI Nursing Specialty

1. In preparation for the discharge of a client with peripheral arterial disease (PAD), the nurse should include which of the following instructions?

Correct Answer: Rest with the legs above heart level.

Rationale: Resting with the legs above heart level is important for clients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) to promote better circulation and reduce leg pain. Applying a heating pad on a low setting can actually worsen symptoms by causing burns or increasing blood flow to the area, which is not recommended for PAD. While keeping the environment warm is generally beneficial, it is not a specific instruction for managing PAD. Antiembolic stockings are typically used for preventing blood clots in hospitalized patients and may not be directly related to managing PAD at home.

2. During a home visit, a nurse sees a client with COPD receiving oxygen at 2 L/min through a nasal cannula. The client reports difficulty breathing. What is the priority nursing action at this time?

Correct Answer: Evaluate the client's respiratory status.

Rationale: The priority nursing action in this situation is to evaluate the client's respiratory status. When a client with COPD on oxygen therapy experiences difficulty breathing, the nurse should first assess the client's respiratory status to determine the severity of the situation. Increasing the oxygen flow without proper assessment can be harmful if not clinically indicated. While calling emergency services may eventually be necessary, it should not be the immediate action without assessing the client first. Instructing the client to cough and clear secretions is not appropriate as the nurse needs to evaluate the respiratory status before proceeding with interventions.

3. A client is telling the nurse in the clinic that he gets a headache after taking sublingual nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) for his angina pain. Which of the following should the nurse instruct the client to do?

Correct Answer: Lie down in a cool environment and rest

Rationale: The correct answer is to instruct the client to lie down in a cool environment and rest after taking sublingual nitroglycerin for angina pain. Headaches are a common side effect of nitroglycerin due to its vasodilatory effects, and resting in a cool environment can help alleviate the headache. Reducing the nitroglycerin dose is not recommended without consulting the healthcare provider as it may compromise the effectiveness of the medication in managing angina. Asking for a strong analgesic is not appropriate since the headache is likely related to the nitroglycerin and not a separate issue requiring a pain reliever. Requesting a different medication should also involve consulting the healthcare provider to ensure an appropriate alternative is prescribed for angina management.

4. A client with angina pectoris is being taught about starting therapy with nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) tablets. The nurse should instruct the client to take the medication

Correct Answer: at the first indication of chest pain.

Rationale: Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) tablets are used to relieve chest pain associated with angina. The client should take the medication at the first indication of chest pain to help dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow to the heart muscle. Choice A is incorrect because nitroglycerin should not be scheduled after each meal or at bedtime. Choice B is incorrect as taking the medication every 15 minutes during an acute attack is excessive and not recommended. Choice D is incorrect because while it is important to take nitroglycerin with water, the timing of water intake is not as critical as taking the medication at the first sign of chest pain.

5. A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD expresses difficulty in bringing up bronchial secretions. Which action should the nurse take to help the client with tenacious bronchial secretions?

Correct Answer: Encouraging the client to drink eight glasses of water daily

Rationale: Encouraging the client to drink eight glasses of water daily is the most appropriate action to help with tenacious bronchial secretions in COPD. Increased fluid intake can help in thinning the mucus, making it easier for the client to cough up and clear secretions. This addresses the client's difficulty in bringing up bronchial secretions. Maintaining a semi-Fowler's position can aid in breathing but does not directly address the issue of clearing secretions. Administering oxygen may be necessary for COPD, but it does not specifically target the tenacious secretions. Selecting a low-salt diet can be helpful in managing COPD in general, but it does not directly address the client's current concern of clearing bronchial secretions.

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