ATI Nursing Specialty

A nurse is preparing for the hospital admission of a client who is suspected to have active tuberculosis (TB). Which of the following precautions should the nurse plan to implement to safely care for this client?

    A. Staff and visitors should wear gowns, masks, and gloves while in the client's room.

    B. The client should be placed in a private room with a special ventilation system.

    C. The client may be placed in a room with other clients who require droplet isolation precautions.

    D. The protocol for donning and removing personal protective equipment before entering or leaving the room of a client with TB is different than for clients who are in other types of isolation.

Correct Answer: The client should be placed in a private room with a special ventilation system.
Rationale: When caring for a client suspected of having active tuberculosis (TB), it is essential to place the client in a private room with a special ventilation system to prevent the spread of TB bacteria to others. Choice A is incorrect because staff and visitors should wear respiratory protection, not just gowns, masks, and gloves. Choice C is incorrect as clients with TB should not be placed in a room with other clients, as they need to be isolated to prevent transmission. Choice D is incorrect because the protocol for donning and removing personal protective equipment for clients with TB is similar to other types of isolation, focusing on proper infection control measures.

When caring for a client with COPD, which intervention should the nurse include in the care plan?

  • A. Restrict the client's fluid intake to less than 2 L/day.
  • B. Encourage the client to use the upper chest for respiration.
  • C. Have the client use the early-morning hours for exercise and activity.
  • D. Instruct the client to use pursed-lip breathing.

Correct Answer: Instruct the client to use pursed-lip breathing.
Rationale: The correct answer is to instruct the client to use pursed-lip breathing. This technique helps improve breathing efficiency by keeping the airways open during exhalation and reducing air trapping. Restricting fluid intake to less than 2 L/day is not appropriate for a client with COPD, as they need adequate hydration. Using the upper chest for respiration is incorrect as it promotes shallow breathing, which is not ideal for COPD patients. While exercise is beneficial, early-morning hours may not be the best time for clients with COPD due to increased respiratory distress in the morning.

A nurse in a clinic is caring for a client who came to be tested for tuberculosis (TB) after a close family member tested positive. The nurse should know that which of the following is a diagnostic tool used to screen for TB?

  • A. Sputum culture for acid-fast bacillus (AFB)
  • B. Mantoux skin test
  • C. BCG vaccine
  • D. Chest X-ray

Correct Answer: Mantoux skin test
Rationale: The Mantoux skin test, also known as the tuberculin skin test, is a diagnostic tool used to screen for tuberculosis (TB). It involves injecting a small amount of tuberculin under the top layer of the skin on the forearm and then checking for a reaction within 48-72 hours. This test helps identify individuals who have been exposed to the TB bacteria. Sputum culture for acid-fast bacillus (AFB) is used to confirm TB diagnosis in individuals suspected of having active TB. The BCG vaccine is used to prevent severe forms of tuberculosis in high-risk individuals but is not a diagnostic tool. While a chest X-ray can show signs of active TB disease, it is not a primary diagnostic tool for screening purposes.

During a home visit, a nurse sees a client with COPD receiving oxygen at 2 L/min through a nasal cannula. The client reports difficulty breathing. What is the priority nursing action at this time?

  • A. Increase the oxygen flow to 3 L/min.
  • B. Evaluate the client's respiratory status.
  • C. Call emergency services for the client.
  • D. Instruct the client to cough and clear secretions.

Correct Answer: Evaluate the client's respiratory status.
Rationale: The priority nursing action in this situation is to evaluate the client's respiratory status. When a client with COPD on oxygen therapy experiences difficulty breathing, the nurse should first assess the client's respiratory status to determine the severity of the situation. Increasing the oxygen flow without proper assessment can be harmful if not clinically indicated. While calling emergency services may eventually be necessary, it should not be the immediate action without assessing the client first. Instructing the client to cough and clear secretions is not appropriate as the nurse needs to evaluate the respiratory status before proceeding with interventions.

A client is telling the nurse in the clinic that he gets a headache after taking sublingual nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) for his angina pain. Which of the following should the nurse instruct the client to do?

  • A. Reduce the nitroglycerin dose
  • B. Ask the provider to prescribe a strong analgesic
  • C. Lie down in a cool environment and rest
  • D. Ask the provider to prescribe a different medication

Correct Answer: Lie down in a cool environment and rest
Rationale: The correct answer is to instruct the client to lie down in a cool environment and rest after taking sublingual nitroglycerin for angina pain. Headaches are a common side effect of nitroglycerin due to its vasodilatory effects, and resting in a cool environment can help alleviate the headache. Reducing the nitroglycerin dose is not recommended without consulting the healthcare provider as it may compromise the effectiveness of the medication in managing angina. Asking for a strong analgesic is not appropriate since the headache is likely related to the nitroglycerin and not a separate issue requiring a pain reliever. Requesting a different medication should also involve consulting the healthcare provider to ensure an appropriate alternative is prescribed for angina management.

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