ATI Nursing Specialty

A client who is HIV-positive, has pneumonia and is not responding to antibiotic therapy may have active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) due to exposure history and symptoms of night sweats and hemoptysis. Which test is the most reliable to confirm the diagnosis of active pulmonary TB?

    A. Chest x-ray

    B. Presence of bronchophony

    C. Mantoux test

    D. Sputum culture for acid-fast bacillus

Correct Answer: Sputum culture for acid-fast bacillus
Rationale: The correct answer is D: Sputum culture for acid-fast bacillus. The most reliable test to confirm the diagnosis of active pulmonary TB is the sputum culture for acid-fast bacillus. This test helps identify the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of TB, in the sputum. Chest x-rays can show characteristic findings of TB but are not as reliable as sputum cultures for confirmation. Bronchophony is a test for assessing vocal resonance and is not specific for TB diagnosis. The Mantoux test is a screening test for TB exposure but cannot confirm active disease.

A nurse is assessing a client who has COPD. The nurse should expect the client's chest to be which of the following shapes?

  • A. Pigeon
  • B. Funnel
  • C. Kyphotic
  • D. Barrel

Correct Answer: Barrel
Rationale: When assessing a client with COPD, the nurse should expect the client's chest to be barrel-shaped. This shape is a classic characteristic of COPD due to hyperinflation of the lungs. A 'Pigeon' chest shape is associated with pectus carinatum, a deformity of the chest wall. A 'Funnel' chest shape is seen in conditions like pectus excavatum. 'Kyphotic' refers to an exaggerated outward curvature of the thoracic spine. Therefore, the correct answer is 'Barrel' as it is the expected chest shape in clients with COPD.

A nurse in a community health center is assessing the results of the purified protein derivative (PPD) testing she performed to screen for tuberculosis (TB). She interprets which of the following results as positive for a 6-year-old client with no risk factors for TB?

  • A. 4-mm erythema
  • B. 5-mm induration
  • C. 10-mm wheal
  • D. 15-mm induration

Correct Answer: 15-mm induration
Rationale: The correct answer is D: 15-mm induration. In PPD testing, an induration (hardened raised area) of 15 mm or more is considered positive for TB in individuals with no risk factors. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because an erythema of 4 mm, induration of 5 mm, or wheal of 10 mm are not indicative of a positive TB test result in a low-risk individual. Therefore, the interpretation of a 15-mm induration would lead the nurse to consider the test positive for TB in this case.

A client with angina pectoris is being taught about starting therapy with nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) tablets. The nurse should instruct the client to take the medication

  • A. after each meal and at bedtime.
  • B. every 15 minutes during an acute attack.
  • C. at the first indication of chest pain.
  • D. with 8 oz of water.

Correct Answer: at the first indication of chest pain.
Rationale: Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat) tablets are used to relieve chest pain associated with angina. The client should take the medication at the first indication of chest pain to help dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow to the heart muscle. Choice A is incorrect because nitroglycerin should not be scheduled after each meal or at bedtime. Choice B is incorrect as taking the medication every 15 minutes during an acute attack is excessive and not recommended. Choice D is incorrect because while it is important to take nitroglycerin with water, the timing of water intake is not as critical as taking the medication at the first sign of chest pain.

A client is receiving oxygen therapy via a nasal cannula. The nurse should explain that this method of oxygen delivery does which of the following?

  • A. Delivers a specific concentration of oxygen constantly
  • B. Delivers a high concentration of oxygen
  • C. Delivers a low concentration of oxygen
  • D. Restricts the client's ability to eat, speak, or drink

Correct Answer: Delivers a specific concentration of oxygen constantly
Rationale: A nasal cannula is a device used for delivering supplemental oxygen to patients. It delivers a specific concentration of oxygen constantly, typically ranging from 1-6 liters per minute. This method is effective for patients who require low to moderate levels of oxygen. Choices B and C are incorrect because a nasal cannula does not deliver a high concentration of oxygen and is not considered a low concentration delivery method. Choice D is incorrect because a nasal cannula does not restrict the client's ability to eat, speak, or drink; it allows them to perform these activities while receiving oxygen therapy.

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