ATI Fundamentals

A client experiencing dyspnea will receive continuous oxygen. Which oxygen device should be used to deliver a precise amount of oxygen?

    A. Non-rebreather mask

    B. Venturi mask

    C. Nasal cannula

    D. Simple face mask

Correct Answer: B: Venturi mask
Rationale: A Venturi mask is the most appropriate choice for delivering a precise amount of oxygen to a client with dyspnea. Unlike other oxygen delivery devices, the Venturi mask allows for accurate oxygen concentration delivery by controlling the amount of air entrained. This feature is crucial in ensuring the client receives the prescribed oxygen concentration, especially in cases where precise oxygen delivery is required.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about a patient with dysphagia?

  • A. The patient will find pureed or soft foods, such as custards, easier to swallow than water
  • B. Fowler’s or semi Fowler’s position reduces the risk of aspiration during swallowing
  • C. The patient should always feed himself
  • D. The nurse should perform oral hygiene before assisting with feeding

Correct Answer: C
Rationale: The incorrect statement is that 'The patient should always feed himself.' Patients with dysphagia may require assistance with feeding due to difficulty in swallowing safely. It is essential to provide appropriate support and supervision during meal times to prevent complications such as aspiration or inadequate nutrition intake.

The correct method for determining the vastus lateralis site for I.M. injection is to:

  • A. Locate the upper aspect of the upper outer quadrant of the buttock about 5 to 8 cm below the iliac crest
  • B. Palpate the lower edge of the acromion process and the midpoint lateral aspect of the arm
  • C. Palpate a 1” circular area anterior to the umbilicus
  • D. Divide the area between the greater femoral trochanter and the lateral femoral condyle into thirds, and select the middle third on the anterior of the thigh

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The vastus lateralis site is located in the middle third of the thigh.

Which of the following interventions promotes patient safety?

  • A. Assess the patient’s ability to ambulate and transfer from a bed to a chair
  • B. Demonstrate the signal system to the patient
  • C. Check to see that the patient is wearing their identification band
  • D. All of the above

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: All the listed interventions are essential for promoting patient safety. Assessing the patient’s ability to ambulate and transfer helps prevent falls, demonstrating the signal system ensures effective communication in emergencies, and checking the patient's identification band aids in accurate identification and treatment. By combining these interventions, healthcare providers can enhance patient safety and quality of care.

Which of the following measures is not recommended to prevent pressure ulcers?

  • A. Massaging the reddened area with lotion
  • B. Using a water or air mattress
  • C. Adhering to a schedule for positioning and turning
  • D. Providing meticulous skin care

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Massaging a reddened area can cause further tissue damage by increasing pressure on already compromised skin. The other options, such as using specialized mattresses, adhering to repositioning schedules, and maintaining good skin care, are all recommended strategies to prevent pressure ulcers by reducing pressure and friction on vulnerable areas of the skin.

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