ATI Fundamentals Proctored Exam 2024

The physician orders a platelet count to be performed on Mrs. Smith after breakfast. The nurse is responsible for:

    A. Instructing the patient about this diagnostic test

    B. Writing the order for this test

    C. Giving the patient breakfast

    D. All of the above

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The nurse's responsibility in this scenario is to instruct the patient about the diagnostic test ordered by the physician. This includes explaining the purpose of the test, any necessary preparations, and what to expect. The nurse is not responsible for writing the order, as this is the physician's role. Additionally, providing breakfast is not directly related to the platelet count test. Therefore, the correct answer is A, which aligns with the nurse's role in educating and supporting the patient regarding the test.

Which of the following actions will most likely lead to a break in the sterile technique for respiratory isolation?

  • A. Opening the patient’s window to the outside environment
  • B. Turning on the patient’s room ventilator
  • C. Opening the door of the patient’s room leading into the hospital corridor
  • D. Failing to wear gloves when administering a bed bath

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Failure to wear gloves during a bed bath can potentially introduce pathogens, compromising the sterile technique necessary for respiratory isolation. Proper hand hygiene and personal protective equipment are crucial to prevent the transmission of infectious agents in such settings.

The physician orders 10 gr of aspirin for a patient. The equivalent dose in milligrams is:

  • A. 0.6 mg
  • B. 10 mg
  • C. 60 mg
  • D. 600 mg

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: To convert grains (gr) to milligrams (mg), you multiply by 60. Therefore, 10 gr of aspirin is equal to 600 mg (10 gr x 60 = 600 mg). So, the correct answer is 600 mg.

A client with COPD expresses concerns about leaving the house due to continuous oxygen use. What is an appropriate response by the nurse?

  • A. There are portable oxygen delivery systems that you can take with you.
  • B. When you go out, you can remove the oxygen and then reapply it when you get home.
  • C. You probably will not be able to go out as much as you used to.
  • D. Home health services will come to see you so you will not need to get out.

Correct Answer: There are portable oxygen delivery systems that you can take with you.
Rationale: For a client with COPD concerned about leaving the house while on continuous oxygen, the nurse should provide reassurance by mentioning the availability of portable oxygen delivery systems. These systems allow the client to maintain their oxygen therapy while being mobile, enabling them to go out and engage in activities outside the home. This response promotes independence and quality of life for the client, addressing their immediate concerns and offering a practical solution to their perceived limitation.

The physician orders the administration of high-humidity oxygen by face mask and placement of the patient in a high Fowler’s position. After assessing Mrs. Paul, the nurse writes the following nursing diagnosis: Impaired gas exchange related to increased secretions. Which of the following nursing interventions has the greatest potential for improving this situation?

  • A. Encourage the patient to increase her fluid intake to 200 ml every 2 hours
  • B. Place a humidifier in the patient’s room
  • C. Continue administering oxygen by high humidity face mask
  • D. Perform chest physiotherapy on a regular schedule

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Chest physiotherapy is the most effective intervention in cases of impaired gas exchange related to increased secretions. This technique helps mobilize and clear secretions from the airways, thereby improving gas exchange in the lungs. Placing a humidifier or administering oxygen by high humidity face mask may provide moisture but may not directly address the clearance of secretions. Encouraging increased fluid intake can help with hydration but may not address the underlying issue of impaired gas exchange due to secretions.

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