Pediatrics HESI 2023

1. Upon assessing a newborn immediately after delivery, you note that the infant is breathing spontaneously and has a heart rate of 90 beats/min. What is the most appropriate initial management for this newborn?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: A heart rate below 100 beats/min in a newborn indicates the need for positive pressure ventilation to improve oxygenation. Providing positive pressure ventilations helps in assisting the newborn's breathing efforts to ensure adequate oxygenation. Choice B, providing blow-by oxygen, may not be sufficient to address the underlying issue of inadequate breathing. Choice C, assessing the newborn's skin condition and color, is important but not the most immediate action needed for a heart rate below 100 beats/min. Choice D, starting chest compressions, is not indicated as the infant is breathing spontaneously and has a heart rate, albeit lower than normal, which does not warrant chest compressions.

2. A 1-week-old infant has been in the pediatric unit for 18 hours following placement of a spica cast. The nurse observes a respiratory rate of fewer than 24 breaths/min. No other changes are noted. Because the infant is apparently well, the nurse does not report or document the slow respiratory rate. Several hours later, the infant experiences severe respiratory distress and emergency care is necessary. What should be considered if legal action is taken?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: In this scenario, the correct answer is C. Any vital signs outside the expected range in an infant should be documented and reported, as they may indicate a developing condition that requires prompt attention. Choice A is incorrect because slow respirations in infants should not be dismissed without assessment and documentation. Choice B is incorrect because a drop in respiratory rate in this case was significant and should have been documented. Choice D is incorrect because even though infants have underdeveloped respiratory tracts, any abnormal respiratory rate should be taken seriously and documented for monitoring and intervention if necessary.

3. A parent arrives in the emergency clinic with a 3-month-old baby who says, “My baby stopped breathing for a while.” The infant continues to have difficulty breathing, with prolonged periods of apnea. Which assessment data should alert the nurse to suspect shaken baby syndrome (SBS)?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Retractions and the use of accessory respiratory muscles can be signs of respiratory distress, which may indicate trauma such as shaken baby syndrome (SBS). Shaken baby syndrome can result in brain injury and respiratory compromise, leading to breathing difficulties. Choices A, B, and C are less likely to be associated with SBS. Birth before 32 weeks’ gestation is more related to prematurity rather than SBS. The lack of stridor and adventitious breath sounds, as well as previous episodes of apnea lasting 10 to 15 seconds, are not specific indicators of SBS.

4. Which of the following findings would indicate altered mental status in a small child?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: In a small child, displaying a lack of attention to the EMT-B's presence would indicate altered mental status. This behavior suggests a diminished level of consciousness or awareness, which is concerning. Recognizing the parents (Choice A) is a normal and expected behavior for a child. Showing fright at the EMT-B's presence (Choice B) may indicate fear or anxiety but not necessarily altered mental status. Maintaining consistent eye contact with the EMT-B (Choice D) may indicate engagement or curiosity rather than altered mental status.

5. A 7-year-old child has an altered mental status, high fever, and a generalized rash. You perform your assessment and initiate oxygen therapy. En route to the hospital, you should be most alert for

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: Seizures are a common complication in children with high fever and altered mental status, indicating a risk of febrile seizures. While vomiting can occur with altered mental status, seizures are of higher concern due to the association with febrile illnesses in children. Combativeness may be a concern in some altered mental status cases but is not as common as seizures. Respiratory distress, although important, is not the primary concern in this scenario given the symptoms presented.

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