health activities are designed to health activities are designed to

Nursing Elites


Community Health HESI Exam

1. Health activities are designed to:

Correct answer: C

Rationale: Health activities are structured to enhance communities' autonomy and influence over their health and well-being, aiming to empower them to make informed choices and take control of their health. Choice A is incorrect as health activities encompass a broader scope beyond just preventing exposure to germs. Choice B is incorrect because spiritual factors are crucial components that should not be disregarded in healthcare. Choice D is incorrect as health activities are not solely about the community health nurse being in charge, but about empowering the community as a whole.

2. When the client asks the nurse if they have ever been with someone when they died, what is the nurse’s best response?

Correct answer: A

Rationale: Choice A is the best response as it acknowledges the client's question and opens the door for further discussion about dying if the client wishes to. It shows empathy and encourages the client to express any concerns they may have. Choices B and C do not directly address the client's question or offer an opportunity for him to explore his concerns. Choice D acknowledges the experience but fails to address the client's question directly and does not encourage further discussion.

3. During the check-up of a 2-month-old infant at a well-baby clinic, the mother expresses concern to the nurse because a flat pink birthmark on the baby's forehead and eyelid has not gone away. What is an appropriate response by the nurse?

Correct answer: C

Rationale: The correct answer is C. Telangiectatic nevi, often referred to as 'stork bites,' are common birthmarks in infants and are considered normal. These birthmarks usually fade and disappear as the child grows older. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because Mongolian spots are bluish-gray birthmarks commonly found in darker-skinned infants, port wine stains are vascular birthmarks that typically do not disappear, and surgical removal is not recommended for telangiectatic nevi as they usually resolve on their own.

4. A client reports being able to swallow only small bites of solid food and liquids for the last 3 months. The PN should assess the client for what additional information?

Correct answer: C

Rationale: The correct answer is C: History of alcohol or tobacco use. A history of alcohol or tobacco use is significant as both are risk factors for esophageal cancer or other esophageal disorders that could cause difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). This information helps in evaluating the underlying cause of the symptom. Choices A, B, and D are less relevant in this context. While a past traumatic injury to the neck could potentially cause swallowing difficulties, given the chronic nature of the symptom in this case, it is more important to focus on potential risk factors associated with esophageal disorders like alcohol and tobacco use. Daily consumption of hot beverages and daily dietary intake of roughage are less likely to be directly related to the client's current swallowing issue.

5. A 12-year-old child is receiving a blood transfusion via an infusion pump and begins to complain of 'itchy' skin 15 minutes after the unit of blood is started. The child appears flushed. What action should the nurse take first?

Correct answer: B

Rationale: Stopping the transfusion immediately is crucial when signs of a transfusion reaction, such as itching and flushing, occur. This action is taken to prevent further exposure to the potentially harmful transfused blood. Applying lotion to the skin, inspecting the infusion site, or obtaining vital signs can be important but are secondary to stopping the transfusion to ensure the safety of the child. Applying lotion may not address the underlying issue of a possible transfusion reaction. Inspecting the infusion site and obtaining vital signs can be done after stopping the transfusion, as patient safety is the top priority in this situation.

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