a young adult client admitted to the emergency department following a motor vehicle collision is transfused with 4 units of prbcs the clients pretrans a young adult client admitted to the emergency department following a motor vehicle collision is transfused with 4 units of prbcs the clients pretrans

Nursing Elites


Medical Surgical HESI

1. A young adult client, admitted to the emergency department following a motor vehicle collision, is transfused with 4 units of PRBCs. The client’s pretransfusion hematocrit is 17%. Which hematocrit value should the nurse expect the client to have after all PRBCs have been transfused?

Correct answer: D

Rationale: One unit of PRBCs typically raises the hematocrit by 3%. Since the client received 4 units, the hematocrit is expected to increase by approximately 12% (4 units x 3% per unit). Therefore, the nurse should expect the client's hematocrit to be 29% after all PRBCs have been transfused. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect as they do not account for the cumulative effect of multiple PRBC units on the hematocrit level.

2. The charge nurse on the unit observes that one of the staff nurses is not using proper hand washing techniques. Which is the most appropriate initial approach to correct the behavior?

Correct answer: B

Rationale: The most appropriate initial approach to correct the behavior of improper hand washing by a staff nurse is to discuss what the nurse knows about proper hand hygiene. This approach helps in identifying any knowledge gaps the nurse may have and provides an opportunity to educate and correct the behavior. Option A is not the best choice as simply reminding the nurse about the importance of hand washing may not address the underlying issue of knowledge or technique. Option C, providing a review of the hand washing policy, may be necessary but is not the most immediate step to take. Option D, referring the nurse to the infection control nurse, is premature and may not be necessary if the issue can be resolved through education and communication first.

3. A client in the intensive care unit is being mechanically ventilated, has an indwelling urinary catheter in place, and is exhibiting signs of restlessness. Which action should the nurse take first?

Correct answer: B

Rationale: When a client in the intensive care unit is mechanically ventilated, has an indwelling urinary catheter, and is restless, the priority action is to check the urinary catheter for obstruction. Restlessness in this context could be due to a blocked catheter causing discomfort or urinary retention, which needs immediate attention to prevent complications. Reviewing the heart rhythm on cardiac monitors can be important but is not the priority in this scenario. Auscultating bilateral breath sounds is also important in a ventilated client but addressing the potential immediate issue of a blocked catheter takes precedence. Giving a PRN dose of lorazepam should not be the first action without addressing the underlying cause of restlessness.

4. The healthcare professional enters the room as a 3-year-old is having a generalized seizure. Which intervention should the healthcare professional do first?

Correct answer: B

Rationale: Placing the child on the side is the priority intervention during a generalized seizure as it helps maintain an open airway and prevents aspiration. Clearing the area of any hazards is important but should come after ensuring the child's safety. Restraining the child is not recommended during a seizure as it can lead to injury. Giving the prescribed anticonvulsant is important but should not be the first action during an ongoing seizure.

5. During a primary survey of a child with partial thickness burns over the upper body areas, what action should the nurse take first?

Correct answer: B

Rationale: When managing a child with partial thickness burns over the upper body areas, the priority action during the primary survey is to assess for a patent airway. This step is crucial as burns in this region can lead to airway compromise, potentially causing rapid deterioration in the child's condition. Checking for a patent airway ensures that the child can breathe adequately, which is essential for oxygenation and ventilation. Inspecting the child's skin color (Choice A) is an important assessment but should follow ensuring a patent airway. Observing for symmetric breathing (Choice C) is relevant, but the immediate focus should be on securing the airway. Palpating the child's pulse (Choice D) is also a vital assessment, but in this scenario, the priority is to assess and maintain a clear airway to support respiratory function and oxygen delivery.

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