PN Exit Exam 2023 Quizlet

Which electrolyte imbalance is most likely to cause cardiac arrhythmias?

    A. Hyperkalemia

    B. Hypocalcemia

    C. Hypernatremia

    D. Hypokalemia

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Hyperkalemia is the correct answer as it can lead to dangerous cardiac arrhythmias due to its effects on the electrical conduction of the heart. High levels of potassium can disrupt the normal electrical activity of the heart, potentially leading to life-threatening arrhythmias. Hypocalcemia (choice B) is not the most likely cause of cardiac arrhythmias compared to hyperkalemia. Hypernatremia (choice C), referring to high sodium levels, is not directly associated with causing cardiac arrhythmias. While hypokalemia (choice D), low potassium levels, can also lead to cardiac arrhythmias, hyperkalemia is the more likely culprit in causing severe disturbances in heart rhythm.

What disorder closely matches Suzy's symptoms?

  • A. Antisocial personality disorder
  • B. Borderline personality disorder
  • C. Schizoid personality disorder
  • D. Dissociative Identity Disorder

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Suzy's symptoms are characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). BPD includes instability in relationships, self-image, and emotions, as well as impulsivity and self-harm. Choice A, Antisocial personality disorder, is characterized by a disregard for others' rights and lack of empathy, which does not align with Suzy's symptoms. Schizoid personality disorder, choice C, is characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, which is not a prominent feature in Suzy's case. Dissociative Identity Disorder, choice D, involves the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states, which is not reflected in Suzy's symptoms.

An adult client is undergoing weekly external radiation treatments for breast cancer. Upon arrival at the outpatient clinic for a scheduled treatment, the client reports increasing fatigue to the PN who is taking the client's vital signs. What action should the PN implement?

  • A. Notify the healthcare provider or charge nurse immediately
  • B. Offer to reschedule the treatment for the following week
  • C. Plan to monitor the client's vital signs every 30 minutes
  • D. Reinforce the need for extra rest periods and plenty of sleep

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: When a client undergoing radiation therapy reports increasing fatigue, it is essential to address this common side effect. Educating the client on the importance of rest and sleep can help manage fatigue and promote recovery. Contacting the healthcare provider or charge nurse immediately may not be necessary unless fatigue is severe and other symptoms are present. Rescheduling the treatment or monitoring vital signs more frequently is not the priority in this situation.

While turning and positioning a bedfast client, the PN observes that the client is dyspneic. Which action should the PN take first?

  • A. Apply a pulse oximeter
  • B. Measure blood pressure
  • C. Notify the charge nurse
  • D. Observe pressure areas

Correct Answer: C
Rationale: Notifying the charge nurse promptly is the priority when a bedfast client is dyspneic. Dyspnea can indicate a serious problem that requires immediate assessment and intervention. Contacting the charge nurse ensures timely assistance and appropriate actions to address the client's condition. Applying a pulse oximeter or measuring blood pressure may provide valuable data, but the priority is prompt communication with the charge nurse to ensure quick intervention. Observing pressure areas, while important for overall client care, is not the most immediate action needed when a client is experiencing dyspnea.

A client who is post-operative from a bowel resection is experiencing abdominal distention and pain. The nurse notices the client has not passed gas or had a bowel movement. What should the nurse assess first?

  • A. The client's bowel sounds.
  • B. The client's fluid intake.
  • C. The client's pain level.
  • D. The client's surgical incision.

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Assessing bowel sounds is crucial in this situation as it helps determine if the client's gastrointestinal tract is functioning properly. Absent or hypoactive bowel sounds can indicate an ileus, a common post-operative complication. Assessing fluid intake (Choice B) is important but should come after assessing bowel sounds. Pain assessment (Choice C) is essential but addressing the physiological issue should take precedence. Checking the surgical incision (Choice D) is relevant but not the priority when the client is experiencing abdominal distention and potential gastrointestinal complications.

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