HESI Pediatrics Practice Exam

The mother of an 11-year-old boy with juvenile arthritis tells the nurse, 'I really don’t want my son to become dependent on pain medication, so I only allow him to take it when he is really hurting.' Which information is most important for the nurse to provide this mother?

    A. Encouraging the child to rest when he experiences pain

    B. Encouraging quiet activities like watching television as a pain distractor

    C. Suggesting the use of hot baths as an alternative to pain medication

    D. Explaining that giving pain medication around the clock helps control the pain

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The nurse should educate the mother that giving pain medication around the clock helps maintain a consistent level of pain control, preventing severe pain episodes and improving the child's quality of life. It is essential to manage pain proactively rather than waiting for the child to be in severe pain before administering medication. Choices A, B, and C do not address the importance of proactive pain management and maintaining a consistent level of pain control. Encouraging rest, quiet activities, or hot baths as distractions or alternatives may not provide adequate pain relief for the child with juvenile arthritis, and they do not address the underlying issue of effective pain management.

What is the most important information for the PN to reinforce with the parents when caring for a child diagnosed with acute rheumatic fever?

  • A. Complete the full course of prescribed antibiotics.
  • B. Ensure the child gets plenty of physical exercise.
  • C. Keep the child on a low-sodium diet.
  • D. Administer prescribed pain medications as needed.

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Completing the full course of antibiotics is crucial in the management of acute rheumatic fever as it helps prevent recurrence and complications. Antibiotics are essential in eradicating the underlying infection that triggers the autoimmune response leading to rheumatic fever. Reinforcing the importance of completing the prescribed antibiotic regimen is vital to ensure the child's recovery and prevent further health issues. Choices B, C, and D are not as critical as completing the antibiotic treatment. While physical exercise, a low-sodium diet, and pain management are important aspects of overall health, they are not the primary focus when managing acute rheumatic fever.

A toddler with a chronic illness that requires frequent hospitalization is likely to experience which psychosocial developmental challenge?

  • A. Fixation with feelings of inadequacy
  • B. Interference with the development of autonomy
  • C. Distortion of differentiation of self from parent
  • D. Delayed language, fine-motor, and self-care skills

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Toddlers with chronic illnesses requiring frequent hospitalization may experience interference with the development of autonomy. This is because the need for constant medical care can restrict their independence and ability to explore and make choices, which are essential aspects of achieving autonomy according to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect. Fixation with feelings of inadequacy (Choice A) is more commonly associated with Erikson's stage of industry vs. inferiority in middle childhood. Distortion of differentiation of self from parent (Choice C) is related to the separation-individuation phase of Mahler's theory of object relations, typically occurring in infancy. Delayed language, fine-motor, and self-care skills (Choice D) may be impacted by chronic illness but are not the primary psychosocial developmental challenge faced by toddlers in this context.

A 9-week-old infant is scheduled for cleft lip repair. Which information is most important for the nurse to convey to the surgeon before transporting the infant to the surgical suite?

  • A. Red blood cell count of 2.3 million/mm³
  • B. White blood cell count of 10,000/mm³
  • C. Weight gain of 2 pounds since birth
  • D. Urine specific gravity is 1.011

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The correct answer is A because a low red blood cell count may indicate anemia, which could pose risks during surgery. Anemia can affect oxygen delivery to tissues, impacting wound healing and overall surgical outcomes. The other options, such as white blood cell count, weight gain, and urine specific gravity, are less critical for immediate surgical considerations. White blood cell count is more related to infection risk postoperatively rather than immediate surgical risk. Weight gain reflects good overall growth but does not impact the immediate surgical situation. Urine specific gravity is more indicative of hydration status rather than immediate surgical risk.

The practical nurse is reinforcing education with the parents of a child prescribed iron supplements for iron-deficiency anemia. Which statement by the parents indicates they need further instruction?

  • A. We will give the iron supplement with milk to reduce stomach upset.
  • B. We should give the iron supplement with orange juice to improve absorption.
  • C. The supplement may cause the stools to appear dark or black.
  • D. We should store the iron supplements out of reach of children.

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: Iron supplements should not be given with milk as calcium can interfere with iron absorption. Instead, it is recommended to give it with a source of vitamin C, such as orange juice, to enhance iron absorption. Giving iron supplements with milk may decrease the absorption of iron and should be avoided. Choice B is the correct method to improve iron absorption. Choice C is correct as iron supplements can cause dark or black stools due to unabsorbed iron. Choice D is also correct as iron supplements should always be stored out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion.

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