HESI Exit Exam RN Capstone

1. A client presents to the clinic with a large abscess on the right thigh. The healthcare provider incises and drains the abscess. Which instruction should the nurse provide to the client upon discharge?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: After incision and drainage of an abscess, it is crucial to perform daily wound care and dressing changes to prevent infection and promote healing. Avoiding showering until the wound is completely closed (choice A) may not be practical or necessary. Applying heat to the wound (choice C) can increase the risk of infection and delay healing. While taking the prescribed antibiotic (choice D) is important, wound care and dressing changes are more directly related to promoting healing and preventing complications.

2. A client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of pneumonia. The client is prescribed intravenous antibiotics and oxygen therapy. Which assessment finding indicates that the client's condition is improving?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: A decrease in respiratory rate indicates that the client's breathing is becoming more stable, which suggests an improvement in their condition. Respiratory rate is a critical indicator of respiratory status and oxygenation. Increased white blood cell count (choice A) suggests ongoing infection, crackles on lung auscultation (choice B) indicate fluid in the lungs, and productive cough with green sputum (choice C) may indicate persistent infection or airway inflammation, which do not necessarily reflect improvement in pneumonia.

3. While assessing an older client's fall risk, the client reports living at home alone and never falling. Which action should the nurse take?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The correct action for the nurse to take is to continue obtaining client data to complete the fall risk survey. Even though the client reports never falling, it is essential to assess all fall risk factors comprehensively. Fall risk surveys provide valuable information on mobility, vision, medications, and other factors that can impact safety. Option A is incorrect because suggesting moving to an assisted living facility is premature without completing the fall risk assessment. Option C is incorrect as reducing the frequency of fall risk assessments could overlook potential risk factors. Option D is incorrect as the client's statement alone is not enough to confirm their safety living alone; a thorough assessment is necessary.

4. A client with multiple sclerosis is admitted with an acute exacerbation. What is the nurse's priority action?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: The correct answer is C. Administering prescribed corticosteroids to reduce inflammation is the priority action when a client with multiple sclerosis is admitted with an acute exacerbation. Corticosteroids help manage symptoms during exacerbations and reduce inflammation. Monitoring vital signs and assessing muscle strength are important aspects of care but not the priority during an acute exacerbation. Educating the client on managing fatigue and preventing relapses is essential but can be addressed after the acute exacerbation has been managed.

5. A client in labor is experiencing late decelerations in fetal heart rate. What intervention should the nurse perform first?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: Late decelerations indicate fetal distress due to compromised placental perfusion. Repositioning the client onto her left side is the priority intervention as it can increase blood flow to the placenta, improving fetal oxygenation. Applying oxygen via nasal cannula (choice B) can be the next step after repositioning if late decelerations persist. Emergency cesarean section (choice C) is not the initial action for late decelerations unless other interventions are ineffective. Increasing IV fluid administration (choice D) is not the first-line intervention for late decelerations; repositioning takes precedence to address the underlying cause.

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