HESI RN Nursing Leadership and Management Exam 5

1. Which of the following actions by the healthcare provider would be considered false imprisonment?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: The correct answer is A. False imprisonment occurs when a healthcare provider restrains a client from leaving against their will, even if the provider believes it is in the client's best interest. In this scenario, telling the client they are not allowed to leave until the physician has released them constitutes false imprisonment as it restricts the client's freedom of movement. Choice B is incorrect because asking the client why they wish to leave is a form of assessment and does not involve restraining the client. Choice C is incorrect as it pertains to educating the client about their medical condition. Choice D is incorrect because asking the client to sign an against medical advice discharge form is a legal and ethical procedure to ensure the client understands the risks of leaving against medical advice.

2. Which of the following is true about effective leadership?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: Choice B is correct because nurses can develop effective leadership skills by actively engaging as good leaders and reflecting on their existing leadership qualities and areas for improvement. This process of self-assessment and continuous improvement is crucial in becoming a successful leader. Choice A is incorrect as leadership traits can be learned through experience and reflection rather than being impossible to acquire from a book. Choice C is incorrect as effective leadership involves focusing on long-term goals and strategies, not just daily activities. Choice D is incorrect because while seizing leadership opportunities is important, it should be done strategically and with a solid foundation of experience in nursing to ensure successful leadership outcomes.

3. Why have recent polls placed nursing as one of the most trusted professions?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: Recent polls have identified nursing as one of the most trusted professions primarily because nurses possess the essential skills required to provide care to diverse populations. This includes cultural competence, empathy, effective communication, and clinical expertise. Choice A, engaging in lifelong learning, is indeed an important aspect of nursing practice; however, it is not the primary reason for the high level of trust placed in nurses. Choice B, abiding by a dress code, is a professional conduct issue and not directly linked to the trustworthiness of nurses. Choice D, passing the NCLEX exam for licensure, is a regulatory requirement and does not directly contribute to the trust placed in nurses by the public.

4. A new nurse is working on becoming a better follower. Which of the following recommendations should she implement?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: Listening and reflecting on the manager’s feedback is crucial for a new nurse aiming to become a better follower. It allows the nurse to understand expectations, identify areas for improvement, and show respect for the manager's guidance. Choice A is incorrect as it focuses on resolving disagreements rather than improving followership skills. Choice B is incorrect as knowledge sharing should not be limited to specific groups. Choice D is incorrect as it addresses time management and learning about the specialty, which are important but not directly related to followership development.

5. As a nurse manager rounds on the unit, he speaks with staff, patients, and family members. Later in the day, he is in a meeting with administration. During the conversations, he considers how these interactions impact the care provided to patients on the unit. Which of the following interpersonal activities best describes this manager’s actions?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: The correct answer is 'Networking.' Networking involves building relationships and connecting with staff, patients, and family members to establish a supportive network. In this scenario, the nurse manager is engaging in networking by interacting with various individuals to understand how these interactions influence patient care. 'Employee development' involves activities aimed at enhancing employees' skills and knowledge. 'Coaching' focuses on guiding individuals to improve performance, while 'Monitoring' involves overseeing and supervising activities to ensure compliance and quality.

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