HESI Community Health

A community health nurse is planning a program to address the rising rates of obesity in the community. Which intervention should the nurse prioritize?

    A. organizing community exercise programs

    B. distributing educational materials on healthy eating

    C. partnering with local grocery stores to provide discounts on healthy foods

    D. conducting health screenings for early detection of obesity-related conditions

Correct Answer:
Rationale: Organizing community exercise programs encourages physical activity, which is essential for weight management and reducing obesity rates.

The healthcare provider is assessing a client with a suspected pulmonary embolism. Which finding requires immediate intervention?

  • A. Chest pain.
  • B. Shortness of breath.
  • C. Tachycardia.
  • D. Cyanosis.

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Cyanosis is a late sign of hypoxemia and indicates severe oxygen deprivation, necessitating immediate intervention in a client with a suspected pulmonary embolism. Chest pain, shortness of breath, and tachycardia are also concerning symptoms in pulmonary embolism; however, cyanosis signifies critical oxygen deficiency and warrants urgent attention to prevent further complications.

A community health nurse is addressing the issue of domestic violence in the community. Which intervention should the nurse implement first?

  • A. establishing a support group for survivors of domestic violence
  • B. developing educational materials on recognizing signs of abuse
  • C. partnering with local law enforcement to increase awareness
  • D. conducting a community needs assessment to identify resources

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Conducting a community needs assessment is the most appropriate initial intervention when addressing domestic violence in the community. This step helps the nurse identify existing resources, gaps, and specific needs of the community related to domestic violence. By understanding the community's needs through a needs assessment, the nurse can tailor subsequent interventions effectively. Option A, establishing a support group, may be beneficial later but should not be the first step. Developing educational materials (Option B) and partnering with law enforcement (Option C) are important strategies; however, without understanding the community's specific needs through a needs assessment, the interventions may not be as targeted or effective.

The client is unable to void, and the plan of care sets an objective for the client to ingest at least 1000 mL of fluid between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm. Which client response should the nurse document to indicate a successful outcome?

  • A. Drinks adequate fluids.
  • B. Void without difficulty.
  • C. Feels less thirsty.
  • D. Drinks 240 mL of fluid five times during the shift.

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The correct answer is D. Drinking 240 mL of fluid five times during the shift indicates a fluid intake of 1200 mL, which exceeds the minimum objective of at least 1000 mL. The client meeting or exceeding the fluid intake goal is a clear indicator of a successful outcome. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because simply drinking adequate fluids, voiding without difficulty, or feeling less thirsty do not directly demonstrate meeting the specific objective of fluid intake set in the care plan.

access t o heal thcare Downloaded by Dawson maxwell (maxwelldawson083@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|38437257 The nurse worki ng i n a community health clinic that serves recent Somali immi grants notes that most mothers refuse to give permi ssion for routine immunizati ons of thei r preschool ers. Which i ndi vidu al i s l ikel y to have the most i nfl uential on these women's perceptions about their chil dren's heal thcare needs?

  • A. husbands
  • B. cl i ni c heal thcare provi der
  • C. ol der femal es
  • D. tri bal chief -

Correct Answer: C
Rationale: In many cultures, older women, such as grandmothers or aunts, hold significant influence over health-related decisions and practices within the family.

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