Pediatric HESI Quizlet

When reinforcing teaching with the parents of a 7-year-old child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) about the child's medication, which statement by the parents indicates an understanding of the medication's side effects?

    A. We should monitor our child's growth and appetite regularly.

    B. The medication may cause drowsiness, so we will give it at bedtime.

    C. We need to give the medication with food to avoid stomach upset.

    D. The medication can cause increased urination, so fluid intake should be limited.

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The correct answer is A: 'We should monitor our child's growth and appetite regularly.' Correct monitoring of the child's growth and appetite is crucial when a child is on ADHD medications, especially stimulants, as these medications can have side effects related to growth and appetite. Monitoring these parameters regularly helps in assessing the medication's impact and making any necessary adjustments. Choices B, C, and D are incorrect: B talks about drowsiness, C mentions avoiding stomach upset, and D refers to increased urination and limiting fluid intake. While these are potential side effects of medications, they do not directly address the importance of monitoring growth and appetite, which is crucial in children on ADHD medications.

What action should the nurse implement when the infusion of chemotherapy via an implanted medication port is complete for a 16-year-old with acute myelocytic leukemia at the outpatient oncology clinic?

  • A. Administer Zofran
  • B. Obtain blood samples for RBCs, WBCs, and platelets
  • C. Flush mediport with saline and heparin solution
  • D. Initiate an infusion of normal saline

Correct Answer: C
Rationale: The correct action for the nurse to implement when the chemotherapy infusion is complete is to flush the mediport with saline and heparin solution. This process helps prevent clotting and ensures the patency of the port, which is essential for future medication administrations and blood draws. Administering Zofran (Choice A) is not necessary after completing the chemotherapy infusion. Obtaining blood samples (Choice B) for RBCs, WBCs, and platelets is important but not the immediate action after completing the infusion. Initiating an infusion of normal saline (Choice D) is not required unless there is a specific indication for it.

The child is 3 years old and is 2 hours postop from a cardiac catheterization via the right femoral artery. Which assessment finding indicates arterial obstruction?

  • A. Blood pressure is decreasing, and the pulse is rapid and irregular.
  • B. The right foot feels cool to the touch and appears pale and blanched.
  • C. The pulse distal to the femoral artery is weaker in the left foot than the right foot.
  • D. The pressure dressing at the right femoral area is damp and oozing blood.

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: A cool, pale, and blanched foot is indicative of arterial obstruction, leading to poor blood flow. This finding requires immediate intervention to prevent further complications such as tissue damage or necrosis. Monitoring for signs of arterial compromise, such as color changes, temperature, and capillary refill, is crucial in detecting and managing vascular complications post-cardiac catheterization. Choices A, C, and D do not directly indicate arterial obstruction. While a decreasing blood pressure and rapid, irregular pulse may suggest compromise, these findings are more nonspecific. A weaker pulse distal to the femoral artery indicates reduced perfusion but not necessarily arterial obstruction. Finally, a damp, oozing pressure dressing suggests a dressing issue rather than arterial obstruction.

What recommendation should the PN provide to help a 5-year-old girl who has started wetting the bed again after being dry at night for several months?

  • A. Explain that bedwetting is normal in children and will pass with time.
  • B. Advise limiting fluids in the evening and before bedtime.
  • C. Suggest punishing the child for wetting the bed to prevent recurrence.
  • D. Encourage the child to use the bathroom immediately before bed.

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Encouraging the child to use the bathroom before bed is a helpful recommendation to prevent nighttime bedwetting. Bedwetting can sometimes reoccur due to stress or other factors, and ensuring the child empties their bladder before sleeping may reduce the likelihood of bedwetting episodes. Choice A is incorrect because while bedwetting is common in children, it is essential to provide practical solutions rather than just reassurance. Choice B is not the best option for a child who has recently started bedwetting again after being dry, as it may not address the underlying cause. Choice C is inappropriate and harmful as punishing the child for bedwetting can lead to psychological distress and worsen the situation.

A mother brings her 3-month-old infant to the clinic because the baby does not sleep through the night. Which finding is most significant in planning care for this family?

  • A. The mother is a single parent and lives with her parents
  • B. The mother states the baby is irritable during feedings
  • C. The infant’s formula has been changed twice
  • D. The diaper area shows severe skin breakdown

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Severe skin breakdown in the diaper area is a significant finding indicating a potential health issue that needs immediate attention. It may be a sign of a skin condition, such as a diaper rash, which can cause discomfort and pain for the infant. Addressing this concern promptly is crucial to prevent further complications and ensure the baby's well-being. The other choices may also be important in assessing the overall situation of the family, but in terms of immediate care for the infant, the severe skin breakdown takes priority.

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