HESI RN CAT Exit Exam 1

Which action should the nurse include in the plan of care for a client who is receiving acyclovir (Zovirax) IV for the treatment of herpes zoster (shingles)?

    A. Initiate cardiac telemetry monitoring

    B. Maintain continuous pulse oximetry

    C. Perform capillary glucose measurements

    D. Monitor serum creatinine levels

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The correct answer is to monitor serum creatinine levels. Acyclovir can potentially impact kidney function, making it essential to monitor serum creatinine levels to assess renal function. Option A, initiating cardiac telemetry monitoring, is not directly related to acyclovir administration for herpes zoster. Option B, maintaining continuous pulse oximetry, is more relevant in assessing respiratory status rather than monitoring for acyclovir-related side effects. Option C, performing capillary glucose measurements, is not directly associated with acyclovir therapy for herpes zoster.

A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is receiving oxygen at 2 liters per minute by nasal cannula. The client develops respiratory distress and the nurse increases the oxygen to 4 liters per minute. Shortly afterward, the client becomes lethargic and confused. What action should the nurse take first?

  • A. Reposition the nasal cannula
  • B. Lower the oxygen rate
  • C. Encourage the client to cough and deep breathe
  • D. Monitor the client's oxygen saturation level

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: In this scenario, the client with COPD receiving increased oxygen is experiencing oxygen toxicity, leading to lethargy and confusion. Lowering the oxygen rate is the priority action to prevent further harm. Repositioning the nasal cannula, encouraging coughing and deep breathing, and monitoring oxygen saturation are all important interventions, but the immediate concern is to address the oxygen toxicity by lowering the oxygen rate.

The nurse is preparing to administer an IM injection to a 6-month-old child. Which injection site is best for the nurse to use?

  • A. Vastus lateralis
  • B. Deltoid
  • C. Ventrogluteal
  • D. Dorsogluteal

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The vastus lateralis is the preferred site for IM injections in infants due to muscle development. In infants under 1 year old, the vastus lateralis muscle in the thigh is often used for IM injections due to its size and development. The deltoid muscle is typically used for adults, and the ventrogluteal and dorsogluteal sites are more commonly used for older children and adults. Therefore, the best choice for administering an IM injection to a 6-month-old child is the vastus lateralis.

When obtaining an admission history for a client who is at 9 weeks gestation, the client states, 'I had a miscarriage 2 years ago.' Which information is most important for the nurse to obtain?

  • A. How long was your previous pregnancy?
  • B. How long did it take for you to become pregnant after your miscarriage?
  • C. Was your miscarriage during the first trimester?
  • D. Do you have any children now?

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The correct answer is A. Understanding the duration of the previous pregnancy helps assess the client's obstetric history. Choice B focuses on the time it took to conceive after the miscarriage, which is less relevant at this point. Choice C asks about the timing of the miscarriage rather than the duration of the previous pregnancy. Choice D inquires about the current status of having children, which is not directly related to the client's obstetric history.

A male client is admitted to the mental health unit because he experiences panic attacks when driving on the freeway. To attempt to desensitize this fear, what action should the nurse encourage the client to implement?

  • A. Watch training videos of people driving in various environments
  • B. Begin visualizing himself driving each route to the freeway
  • C. Take antianxiety medication two hours before driving on freeways
  • D. Get in the car with a support person and drive on a freeway during rush hour

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Visualization techniques, such as visualizing himself driving each route to the freeway, are commonly used in desensitization therapy to help clients gradually overcome their fears. Watching videos of others driving or taking medication do not actively involve the client in facing their fear, which is essential in desensitization therapy. Getting in the car with a support person during rush hour may exacerbate the client's anxiety rather than help in desensitization.

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