HESI Practice Test Pediatrics

What age-appropriate play activity should the practical nurse suggest to the parents of a 7-month-old infant to encourage visual stimulation?

    A. Play peek-a-boo.

    B. Play pat-a-cake.

    C. Imitate animal sounds.

    D. Show how to clap hands.

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The practical nurse should suggest playing peek-a-boo to the parents of a 7-month-old infant to encourage visual stimulation. Peek-a-boo is a suitable game for this age group as it helps develop visual tracking skills and the concept of object permanence. By covering and uncovering their face or a toy, the infant learns that things still exist even when they cannot be seen, promoting cognitive development and visual engagement.

A 5-year-old child with leukemia is receiving chemotherapy. The nurse notes that the child’s white blood cell count is low. What is the nurse’s priority intervention?

  • A. Administer antibiotics as prescribed
  • B. Place the child in protective isolation
  • C. Encourage the child to eat a balanced diet
  • D. Teach the parents about infection prevention

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: The priority intervention for a 5-year-old child with leukemia receiving chemotherapy and having a low white blood cell count is to place the child in protective isolation. This intervention helps reduce the risk of infection, which is crucial in this immunocompromised state. Protective isolation aims to limit the child's exposure to pathogens and promote their safety during a period of increased vulnerability to infections.

A child is recovering from an appendectomy. The parent asks when the child can resume normal activities. What is the best response by the nurse?

  • A. The child can resume normal activities as soon as they feel up to it
  • B. The child should avoid strenuous activities for at least 2 weeks
  • C. The child can resume normal activities after the stitches are removed
  • D. The child should avoid all physical activities for the next month

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: After an appendectomy, it is important for the child to avoid strenuous activities for at least 2 weeks to allow for proper healing. Resuming normal activities too soon can put unnecessary strain on the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

During a well baby visit, the parents explain that a soft bulge appears in the groin of their 4-month-old son when he cries or strains during stooling. The infant is scheduled for surgical repair of the inguinal hernia in two weeks. What should the parent be instructed to do if the hernia becomes incarcerated prior to the surgery?

  • A. Use a rectal thermometer to strain during stooling.
  • B. Gently manipulate the hernia for reduction.
  • C. Offer oral electrolyte fluids for comfort.
  • D. Give acetaminophen or aspirin for crying.

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: In the case of an incarcerated inguinal hernia, gentle manipulation can sometimes help in reducing it before surgery. This action should be taken cautiously and immediately followed by seeking medical attention. It is important to note that attempting reduction should be done by a healthcare professional, and parents should be advised to seek urgent medical care if the hernia becomes incarcerated. Using a rectal thermometer to strain during stooling (Choice A) is not the correct approach for an incarcerated hernia and can worsen the condition. Offering oral electrolyte fluids for comfort (Choice C) or giving acetaminophen or aspirin for crying (Choice D) are not appropriate interventions for an incarcerated hernia and may delay necessary medical treatment.

The healthcare provider is caring for a 3-year-old child who is hospitalized with dehydration. The child is now receiving IV fluids and has started to produce urine. What is the best indicator that the child’s dehydration is improving?

  • A. The child’s urine output has increased
  • B. The child’s skin turgor is normal
  • C. The child’s weight has increased
  • D. The child’s vital signs are stable

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: An increase in urine output is a reliable indicator that the child's hydration status is improving. Adequate urine output signifies that the kidneys are functioning properly and that the body is effectively eliminating waste and excess fluids, indicating improved hydration levels. The other options are not as direct indicators of hydration status. Skin turgor and weight changes can be influenced by various factors, and stable vital signs do not specifically reflect hydration status.

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