the public health nurse is called to investigate a report of several cases of chickenpox at a daycare center the daycare worker states that five child the public health nurse is called to investigate a report of several cases of chickenpox at a daycare center the daycare worker states that five child

Nursing Elites


Community Health HESI 2023

1. The public health nurse is called to investigate a report of several cases of chickenpox at a daycare center. The daycare worker states that five children have been sent home over the past two weeks with fever and itchy blisters. Which intervention should the nurse implement first?

Correct answer: A

Rationale: Validating that the children sent home did develop chickenpox is the most crucial initial step for the nurse. This intervention ensures that the appropriate public health measures are implemented for the containment of chickenpox. Reporting a viral endemic or confirming the number of children with symptoms may be important but are secondary to confirming the diagnosis. Determining the number of people exposed comes after confirming the diagnosis to assess the extent of the outbreak and implement necessary control measures.

2. The nurse is caring for a client with hypothyroidism. Which of the following clinical findings should the nurse expect?

Correct answer: C

Rationale: Cold intolerance is a classic symptom of hypothyroidism. In hypothyroidism, the body's metabolic rate is decreased, leading to a decreased ability to regulate body temperature. This results in a feeling of being cold most of the time. Tachycardia (Choice A) is more commonly associated with hyperthyroidism, not hypothyroidism. Weight loss (Choice B) and diaphoresis (Choice D) are also more characteristic of hyperthyroidism, where there is an increased metabolic rate and excess heat production.

3. Narcan was administered to an adult client following a suicide attempt with an overdose of hydrocodone bitartrate (Vicodin). Within 15 minutes, the client is alert and oriented. In planning nursing care, which intervention has the highest priority at this time?

Correct answer: C

Rationale: Observing the client for further narcotic effects is the priority at this time. It is crucial to monitor the client closely to prevent a relapse of symptoms or potential complications from the overdose. Encouraging fluid intake is important for overall health but not the priority after an overdose. Obtaining serum Vicodin levels may be needed later but does not address the immediate need to monitor for ongoing effects. Determining the reason for the suicide attempt is vital for psychological assessment but should come after ensuring the client's physical stability.

4. A male client with unstable angina needs a cardiac catheterization. The healthcare provider explains the risks and benefits of the procedure and then leaves to set up for the procedure. When the nurse presents the consent form for signature, the client hesitates and asks how the wires will keep his heart going. Which action should the nurse take?

Correct answer: D

Rationale: The nurse should ask the healthcare provider to return and provide further explanation to the client. The healthcare provider is the one who can address the risks and benefits of the procedure in detail, ensuring the client receives accurate information before providing consent.

5. The healthcare provider assesses a 2-year-old who is admitted for dehydration and finds that the peripheral IV rate by gravity has slowed, even though the venous access site is healthy. What should the healthcare provider do next?

Correct answer: B

Rationale: In this scenario, the appropriate next step for the healthcare provider is to check for kinks in the tubing and raise the IV pole. These issues can commonly cause a slowed IV rate. Applying a warm compress (Choice A) may not address the underlying problem of kinked tubing or incorrect IV pole height. Adjusting the tape that stabilizes the needle (Choice C) is important for securement but is not the priority in this situation. Flushing with normal saline and recounting the drop rate (Choice D) should only be done after ruling out mechanical issues like kinks in the tubing.

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