Pediatric HESI Quizlet

The nurse is caring for a 2-year-old child who was admitted for dehydration due to gastroenteritis. The child is now receiving IV fluids and appears more alert. What is the best indicator that the child’s condition is improving?

    A. The child is more alert and playful

    B. The child’s urine output has increased

    C. The child’s vital signs are stable

    D. The child is tolerating small amounts of oral fluids

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: Increased urine output is a reliable indicator that hydration status is improving. While alertness and playfulness are positive signs, increased urine output directly reflects improved hydration. Stable vital signs are important but may not directly indicate hydration status. Tolerating small amounts of oral fluids is a good sign but may not be as direct an indicator as increased urine output.

A 6-month-old female is scheduled to receive diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) and IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) immunizations. She is recovering from a cold but is otherwise healthy and afebrile. Her 5-year-old sister is receiving chemotherapy. Which considerations should the nurse make for this situation?

  • A. DTaP and IPV can be safely given to the infant at the scheduled time.
  • B. DTaP and IPV are contraindicated because the infant has a cold.
  • C. IPV is contraindicated because her sister is immunocompromised.
  • D. DTaP is contraindicated because her sister is immunocompromised.

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: DTaP and IPV can be safely administered to a child with a mild illness like a cold, even if there is an immunocompromised family member, as these vaccines do not contain live viruses. It is important to ensure that the child is otherwise healthy and afebrile before administering the vaccines. The presence of a cold is not a contraindication for receiving DTaP and IPV vaccines. Choice A is correct because the infant can receive both vaccines as scheduled. Choice B is incorrect as having a cold does not contraindicate DTaP and IPV administration. Choice C is incorrect because IPV is not contraindicated due to the sister's immunocompromised status. Choice D is incorrect as both DTaP and IPV can be given in this scenario.

The mother of an 11-year-old boy with juvenile arthritis tells the nurse, 'I really don't want my son to become dependent on pain medication, so I only allow him to take it when he is really hurting.' Which information is most important for the nurse to provide this mother?

  • A. The child should be encouraged to rest when experiencing pain
  • B. Encourage quiet activities such as reading as a pain distracter
  • C. The use of hot baths can be used as an alternative to pain medication
  • D. Giving pain medication around the clock helps control the pain

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: It is crucial for the nurse to educate the mother that giving pain medication around the clock helps manage pain effectively and improves the child's quality of life. This approach ensures a more consistent level of pain relief and prevents the pain from becoming severe, which can be more challenging to manage. Choices A, B, and C do not address the importance of consistent pain management and may not provide adequate relief for the child's condition.

The nurse is assessing a 4-year-old child who is brought to the clinic for a routine checkup. The child’s parent reports that the child has been more irritable and less active over the past week. The nurse notes a petechial rash on the child’s trunk and extremities. What should the nurse do first?

  • A. Ask the parent about recent exposure to contagious diseases
  • B. Review the child’s immunization record
  • C. Measure the child’s temperature
  • D. Notify the healthcare provider immediately

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: In this scenario, the child's presentation with irritability, decreased activity, and a petechial rash raises concern for a serious condition like meningitis. Petechial rash can be indicative of meningitis or other critical illnesses. Therefore, the nurse's priority should be to notify the healthcare provider immediately to ensure prompt evaluation and appropriate management. Asking about recent exposure to contagious diseases may be relevant later but is not the most urgent action. Reviewing the child's immunization record and measuring the temperature can provide valuable information but should not take precedence over the need to address the potential serious condition indicated by the petechial rash.

A 4-month-old girl is brought to the clinic by her mother because she has had a cold for 2 or 3 days and woke up this morning with a hacking cough and difficulty breathing. Which additional assessment finding should alert the nurse that the child is in acute respiratory distress?

  • A. Bilateral bronchial breath sounds.
  • B. Diaphragmatic breathing.
  • C. A resting respiratory rate of 35 breaths per minute.
  • D. Flaring of the nares.

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: Flaring of the nares is a classic sign of acute respiratory distress in infants. It indicates increased work of breathing and is a visible cue that the child is struggling to breathe. This finding should alert healthcare providers to the severity of the respiratory distress and the need for prompt intervention to support the child's breathing. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect. Bilateral bronchial breath sounds are associated with conditions like pneumonia, but they do not specifically indicate acute respiratory distress. Diaphragmatic breathing is a normal breathing pattern and not a sign of distress. A resting respiratory rate of 35 breaths per minute is within the expected range for a 4-month-old infant and does not necessarily indicate acute respiratory distress.

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