a serum phenytoin determination is prescribed for a client with a seizure disorder who is taking phenytoin dilantin which result indicates that the pr a serum phenytoin determination is prescribed for a client with a seizure disorder who is taking phenytoin dilantin which result indicates that the pr

Nursing Elites


HESI RN Medical Surgical Practice Exam

1. A serum phenytoin determination is prescribed for a client with a seizure disorder who is taking phenytoin (Dilantin). Which result indicates that the prescribed dose of phenytoin is therapeutic?

Correct answer: C

Rationale: The correct answer is 16 mcg/mL (Choice C). The therapeutic serum phenytoin range is typically 10 to 20 mcg/mL. A level below this range may lead to continued seizure activity, indicating subtherapeutic levels. Choices A, B, and D are below the therapeutic range and would not be considered therapeutic for a client with a seizure disorder on phenytoin therapy.

2. A new mother is having trouble breastfeeding her newborn son. He is making frantic rooting motions and will not grasp the nipple. What intervention would be most helpful to this mother?

Correct answer: A

Rationale: In this scenario, the best intervention is to ask the mother to stop feeding, comfort the infant, and then assist her in helping the baby latch on. Stopping the feeding and providing comfort can reduce the infant's frustration and create a calmer environment for successful breastfeeding. Choice B, using a nipple shield, may not address the underlying issue causing the baby's difficulty latching. Choice C, trying a different breastfeeding position, can be attempted after the baby is calm and ready to latch. Choice D, having another person help, may not be necessary if the mother can be guided effectively on latching techniques.

3. A client is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Which assessment finding is most concerning to the nurse?

Correct answer: D

Rationale: A temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) (D) is the most concerning finding for a client receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) as it may indicate an infection, which poses a significant risk. Monitoring blood glucose level (A), blood pressure (B), and serum albumin (C) are also important, but an elevated temperature suggests a potential serious complication that requires immediate attention.

4. A male client with bipolar disorder who began taking lithium carbonate five days ago is complaining of excessive thirst, and the RN finds him attempting to drink water from the bathroom sink faucet. Which intervention should the RN implement?

Correct answer: B

Rationale: Encouraging the client to suck on hard candy is the appropriate intervention in this situation. Excessive thirst is a common side effect of lithium therapy. Sucking on hard candy can help alleviate the symptom without posing any harm. Reporting the client's serum lithium level to the healthcare provider (Choice A) is not necessary at this point as the symptom of excessive thirst is a known side effect and does not indicate toxicity. No action is needed (Choice C) is incorrect because addressing the client's distress is essential. Telling the client that drinking from the faucet is not allowed (Choice D) does not address the underlying issue of excessive thirst and may cause further distress to the client.

5. A child is hospitalized with a diagnosis of lead poisoning. The healthcare provider assisting in caring for the child would prepare to assist in administering which of the following medications?

Correct answer: D

Rationale: Dimercaprol (BAL in Oil) is a chelating agent indicated for lead poisoning. It works by binding to lead and facilitating its removal from the body. Activated charcoal is used for certain types of poisoning by adsorbing toxins, while sodium bicarbonate can be used to treat acidosis. Syrup of ipecac is no longer recommended for poison treatment due to potential risks.

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