ATI Pediatrics Proctored Test

1. Which of the following is a more reliable indicator of perfusion in children than in adults?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Capillary refill is a more reliable indicator of perfusion in children than in adults. This is because children have more compliant vessels, making capillary refill a more sensitive indicator of perfusion status in this population. In contrast, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate are important indicators but may not be as reliable in children compared to capillary refill.

2. Following an apparent febrile seizure, a 4-year-old boy is alert and crying. His skin is hot and moist. Appropriate treatment for this child includes:

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: After a febrile seizure, the child should be provided oxygen and transported to a medical facility to assess and manage the underlying cause. Offering oxygen can help in case of hypoxemia due to the seizure, and transportation is essential for further evaluation and care by healthcare providers.

3. A 30-year-old woman has severe lower abdominal pain and light vaginal bleeding. She tells you that her last menstrual period was 2 months ago. On the basis of these findings, you should suspect:

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: Severe lower abdominal pain, light vaginal bleeding, and a history of missed periods are concerning for an ectopic pregnancy. The absence of a normal menstrual period along with these symptoms raises suspicion for an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate medical attention due to the risk of rupture and life-threatening complications.

4. What are the MOST important initial steps in assessing and managing a newborn?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The most crucial initial steps in assessing and managing a newborn involve clearing the airway to ensure proper breathing and keeping the infant warm to maintain body temperature. Airway clearance helps prevent respiratory distress, while warmth is essential to prevent hypothermia, a common issue in newborns. These steps are vital in the immediate care of a newborn to support their transition to extrauterine life and ensure their well-being.

5. Following delivery of a newborn and placenta, you note that the mother has moderate vaginal bleeding. The mother is conscious and alert, and her vital signs are stable. Treatment for her should include:

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Administering oxygen and massaging the uterus are appropriate interventions to manage postpartum bleeding. Oxygen helps support tissue perfusion, and uterine massage can aid in uterine contraction, controlling bleeding. These actions are indicated when the mother experiences moderate vaginal bleeding post-delivery, as described in the scenario. Careful monitoring for signs of shock should continue while these interventions are implemented to ensure the mother's condition remains stable.

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