ATI Community Health Proctored Exam 2019 Quizlet

1. In the year 1980, the World Health Organization declared the Philippines, along with some other countries in the Western Pacific Region, 'free' of which disease?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: The correct answer is C, Smallpox. The World Health Organization declared the Philippines, along with other countries in the Western Pacific Region, 'free' of Smallpox in 1980. The last documented case of Smallpox worldwide was in 1977 in Somalia, leading to the global eradication of the disease.

2. In the census of the Philippines in 1995, there were about 35,299,000 males and about 34,968,000 females. What is the sex ratio?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The sex ratio is calculated as the number of males for every 100 females in the population. To find the sex ratio, divide the number of males by the number of females and multiply by 100. In this case, (35,299,000 / 34,968,000) * 100 ≈ 100.94:100. Therefore, the correct answer is B, indicating that there were approximately 100.94 males for every 100 females in the Philippines in 1995.

3. Primary health care is a total approach to community development. Which of the following is an indicator of success in using the primary health care approach?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Success in utilizing the primary health care approach is indicated by the sustainability of health programs based on the community's development level. This ensures that essential health services can be maintained at all stages of community development, reflecting the core principles of primary health care.

4. Sputum examination is the major screening tool for pulmonary tuberculosis. Clients may sometimes receive false negative results in this exam. This means that the test is not perfect in terms of which characteristic of a diagnostic examination?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Sensitivity is the ability of a diagnostic test to correctly identify individuals with the disease. A test with high sensitivity will rarely give false negative results, as it will detect almost all positive cases. In the context of the given scenario, false negative results indicate that the test is lacking in sensitivity to pick up all cases of pulmonary tuberculosis, leading to some cases being missed.

5. Which medical herb is commonly used for fever, headache, and cough?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Lagundi is a medical herb commonly used to alleviate symptoms of fever, headache, and cough. Sambong is known for its diuretic properties, Tsaang gubat is used to relieve diarrhea, and Akapulko is valued for its antifungal properties, making Lagundi the correct choice for addressing fever, headache, and cough symptoms.

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