Gerontology Nursing Questions And Answers PDF

1. Which of the following aspects of gerontological nursing would be most likely classified under private law?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The correct answer is B because private law deals with relationships between individuals and organizations, such as the contract between an individual and the care facility. Choices A, C, and D are not classified under private law. Choice A pertains to professional regulation and is a matter of public law. Choice C involves legal criteria and decision-making related to mental competence, falling under public law. Choice D concerns criminal consequences, which are also part of public law.

2. A nurse has been providing care for a 69-year-old female client who has recently had her right foot amputated as a result of a chronic diabetic foot ulcer. The nurse undertook to perform debridement of the wound despite her lack of relevant education and experience. The client experienced permanent nerve damage as a result of the nurse's misguided efforts. Which category of legal liability is most likely relevant in this case?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: In this case, the most likely relevant category of legal liability is negligence. Negligence involves the commission of an improper act, as exemplified by the nurse's actions of performing a procedure without the necessary education and experience, leading to permanent nerve damage for the client. Larceny refers to theft, assault involves a deliberate threat to harm, and invasion of privacy pertains to the violation of a person's right to privacy. Therefore, in this scenario, the nurse's actions align more closely with negligence.

3. An investigation into reports of substandard care on the subacute geriatric unit of a hospital has been undertaken. Which of the following events is representative of malpractice on the part of the nursing staff?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: Answer A is correct as it includes all the components of malpractice: duty, negligence, and injury. The nursing staff failed in their duty by leaving a client with a documented history of seizures unattended with bedrails not in place, resulting in a fall and head injury. Answer B involves an issue related to consent, which is the responsibility of the physician, not the nursing staff. Answer C does not demonstrate negligence or harm caused by the nursing staff. Answer D also shows negligence by failing to turn an immobile client, leading to a pressure ulcer, but it lacks a direct connection to the duty of the nursing staff in preventing harm.

4. A nurse is providing care for an older adult client who has been admitted to the hospital with liver cirrhosis. The client has expressed to the nurse his concerns that the details of his condition and treatment remain confidential, and that written documentation not 'get out there.' How can the nurse best respond to the client's concerns?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The correct answer is D. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that protects individuals' right to confidentiality and safeguards health information from being accessed by unauthorized individuals. Assuring the client that the law protects their right to confidentiality and prevents their health information from being released into unintended hands is the best response. Choice A is too broad and may not cover all aspects of confidentiality. Choice B only mentions medical records staying within the hospital, which does not address the client's concern about written documentation. Choice C incorrectly implies that a signed directive is needed for confidentiality, which is not true under HIPAA regulations.

5. An 81-year-old female client was diagnosed one year ago with Alzheimer's disease following a noticeable increase in confusion. She now possesses a durable power of attorney. Which of the following statements most accurately conveys an aspect of this legal arrangement?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: The correct answer is C. Usually, a power of attorney becomes invalid if the individual granting it becomes incompetent, except in the case of a durable power of attorney. A durable power of attorney allows competent individuals to appoint someone to make decisions on their behalf in the event that they become incompetent. This legal arrangement is recommended for individuals with conditions like Alzheimer's disease where competency decline can be anticipated. It is not initiated by the court, unlike guardianship. A durable power of attorney encompasses both logistical and financial affairs, providing authority to the appointed person to act on behalf of the individual should they become incapacitated. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because they do not accurately describe the purpose and nature of a durable power of attorney in the context of planning for incompetency due to conditions like Alzheimer's disease.

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