Reading Comprehension Practice Test HESI A2

What is the author’s primary purpose in writing the essay about Concussions?

    A. To inform.

    B. To persuade.

    C. To entertain.

    D. To analyze.

Correct Answer: D
Rationale: The primary purpose of the essay is to inform the reader about concussions, their effects, and recovery. While analysis may be involved in the presentation, the overarching goal is to provide information, making A the most accurate answer.

The information presented is

  • A. Balanced in its view of public speaking.
  • B. Favoring people with low-pitched voices.
  • C. Slanted against people with piercing voices.
  • D. Neutral toward both high- and low-pitched voices.

Correct Answer: C
Rationale: The correct answer is C. The paragraph is biased against people with piercing or harsh voices, suggesting they are less desirable as public speakers, newscasters, or political candidates. The text explicitly mentions that harsh voice qualities, like being shrill, grating, hard, piercing, brassy, loud, or nasal, are undesirable and may make people uncomfortable when speaking. It also highlights that tension leading to harsh voice qualities is more common in higher-pitched voices, which are typically associated with women, making them less preferred for public speaking roles. Choices A, B, and D are incorrect because the text does not suggest a balanced view, favor low-pitched voices, or maintain neutrality towards both high- and low-pitched voices; instead, it emphasizes the negative impact of harsh and piercing voices.

What is the meaning of the word moderation as used in the second paragraph?

  • A. Adequate amounts
  • B. Intervals of time
  • C. Excess
  • D. Variation

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: In this context, moderation means consuming adequate amounts of unsaturated fats. The passage highlights that unsaturated fats like olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial when consumed in appropriate quantities. Choice B, intervals of time, is incorrect as it does not relate to the consumption of fats. Choice C, excess, is incorrect because moderation implies avoiding excess consumption. Choice D, variation, is unrelated to the context of consuming fats in appropriate amounts.

Throughout this passage the word suit means?

  • A. A set of clothing to be worn together
  • B. To be convenient or right for
  • C. To request or appeal persistently
  • D. One of the four categories in a deck of cards.

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: In the passage, the word 'suit' is used in the context of card games, specifically in relation to playing cards of the same category. It refers to being convenient or right for a particular purpose in the game of Bridge. The other choices are incorrect because 'suit' in this passage does not refer to a set of clothing (option A), persistent requesting (option C), or one of the four categories in a deck of cards (option D). The passage clearly explains how the term 'suit' is used in the context of playing cards in the game of Bridge.

What is the overall tone of the essay about A Short History of the CDC?

  • A. Appreciative.
  • B. Awestruck.
  • C. Somber.
  • D. Disheartened.

Correct Answer: A
Rationale: The tone of the essay is appreciative, reflecting a recognition of the CDC's historical contributions to public health. The passage highlights the organization's evolution and its significant impact on disease control and prevention, suggesting a positive and respectful view of its work over the years, making A the correct choice.

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