HESI A2 Reading Comprehension V1 2024

Excerpt: The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that defends the body against attacks by foreign invaders. These invaders are primarily microbes—tiny organisms such as bacteria, parasites, and fungi—that can cause infections. Viruses also cause infections, but are too primitive to be classified as living organisms. The human body provides an ideal environment for many microbes. It is the immune system’s job to keep the microbes out or destroy them.The immune system is amazingly complex. It can recognize and remember millions of different enemies, and it can secrete fluids and cells to wipe out nearly all of them. The secret to its success is an elaborate and dynamic communications network. Millions of cells, organized into sets and subsets, gather and transfer information in response to an infection. Once immune cells receive the alarm, they produce powerful chemicals that help to regulate their own growth and behavior, enlist other immune cells, and direct the new recruits to trouble spots.Although scientists have learned much about the immune system, they continue to puzzle over how the body destroys invading microbes, infected cells, and tumors without harming healthy tissues. New technologies for identifying individual immune cells are now allowing scientists to determine quickly which targets are triggering an immune response. Improvements in microscopy are permitting the first-ever observations of living B cells, T cells, and other cells as they interact within lymph nodes and other body tissues.In addition, scientists are rapidly unraveling the genetic blueprints that direct the human immune response, as well as those that dictate the biology of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. The combination of new technology with expanded genetic information will no doubt reveal even more about how the body protects itself from disease.

1. What is the meaning of the word 'ideal' as it is used in the first paragraph?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: In this context, 'ideal' means perfect. The human body provides a perfect environment for many microbes, as stated in the extract. It is the immune system's role to keep these microbes out or destroy them. The other choices are incorrect: 'thoughtful' does not fit the context of the sentence, 'confined' and 'hostile' are not synonymous with 'ideal' in this context.

Excerpt: Foodborne illnesses are contracted by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated with bacteria, parasites, or viruses. Harmful chemicals can also cause foodborne illnesses if they have contaminated food during harvesting or processing. Foodborne illnesses can cause symptoms ranging from upset stomach to diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and dehydration. Most foodborne infections are undiagnosed and unreported, though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that every year about 76 million people in the United States become ill from pathogens in food. About 5,000 of these people die.Harmful bacteria are the most common cause of foodborne illness. Some bacteria may be present at the point of purchase. Raw foods are the most common source of foodborne illnesses because they are not sterile; examples include raw meat and poultry contaminated during slaughter. Seafood may become contaminated during harvest or processing. One in 10,000 eggs may be contaminated with Salmonella inside the shell. Produce, such as spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, and melons, can become contaminated with Salmonella, Shigella, or Escherichia coli (E. coli). Contamination can occur during growing, harvesting, processing, storing, shipping, or final preparation. Sources of produce contamination vary, as these foods are grown in soil and can become contaminated during growth, processing, or distribution. Contamination may also occur during food preparation in a restaurant or a home kitchen. The most common form of contamination from handled foods is the calicivirus, also called the Norwalk-like virus.When food is cooked and left out for more than two hours at room temperature, bacteria can multiply quickly. Most bacteria don’t produce an odor or change in color or texture, so they can be impossible to detect. Freezing food slows or stops bacteria’s growth, but does not destroy the bacteria. The microbes can become reactivated when the food is thawed. Refrigeration also can slow the growth of some bacteria. Thorough cooking is required to destroy the bacteria.

2. What is the meaning of the word 'pathogens' as it is used in the first paragraph?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: In the context provided, 'pathogens' refers to disease-causing substances such as bacteria and viruses. These microorganisms can contaminate food and lead to foodborne illnesses. Choice A ('diseases') is incorrect as pathogens themselves cause diseases but are not diseases. Choice B ('vaccines') is incorrect as vaccines are used to prevent diseases caused by pathogens. Choice D ('foods') is incorrect as pathogens are not foods, but rather contaminants that can be found in food.

Excerpt: Lub-dub! Lub-dub! Lub-dub! This sound is made by the rapid contracting and extending of the chamber doors on the inside of theheart. This ventricular contracting injects roughly 70 mL of blood into a vascular system with a given volume at differing pressure.Blood pressure refers to the pressure in the arterial system; and it is typically taken in the brachial artery of the arm because the pressure at different places along the circulatory route is different. Blood pressure is simply the force that the blood exerts in all directions within any given area and is the basis for the movement of blood from the heart, through the body, and back to the heart. This pressure is commonly expressed as a ratio of the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure.The systolic pressure or “high peak” pressure takes place within the arterial system as ventricles contract and force blood into the arteries. The diastolic pressure or “low peak” pressure takes place within this arterial system just before the next ventricular contraction.An increase in blood pressure can occur if the arterial walls lose some of their elasticity with age or disease.

3. What is the meaning of the word 'elasticity' in the last paragraph?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: 'Elasticity' refers to the ability of the arterial walls to resist and be flexible, which affects blood pressure. In the provided extract, it is mentioned that an increase in blood pressure can occur if the arterial walls lose some of their elasticity with age or disease. This demonstrates that elasticity refers to the property of being able to resist and be flexible, supporting choice A as the correct answer. The other choices, B, C, and D, do not accurately reflect the concept of elasticity in the context of arterial walls and blood pressure.

Excerpt: The body is composed of systems that have evolved and diversified in order to maintain the natural functions and processes they regulate. One such system that has these regulators is the body’s cardiovascular system. The body’s pump, which regulates the flow of vitally needed oxygen to all cells of the body, as well as the discard of carbon dioxide and other waste products, is the heart. Because blood pressure varies at different points within the body, differing components are needed to keep the body’s blood pressure regulated. Three of the basic components are baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the kidneys.<p>Baroreceptors are stretch receptors composed of fine branching nerve endings and are contained along the walls of the arteries near the heart and in other areas of the body as well. Impulses are related to this stretching along the arterial walls, which causes these baroreceptors to send out even more impulses to the heart, arteries, and veins, causing the blood pressure to go either up or down.Chemoreceptors are located along the walls of the arteries and monitor changes in oxygen level, carbon dioxide, and pH. Just think! A fall in oxygen causes receptors to send impulses to raise the blood pressure.The kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure by absorbing salts and water and removing wastes. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex cause the kidney to keep or let go of any salt and water. This has an influence on blood volume and consequently on blood pressure.

4. What is the writer’s primary purpose in writing this essay?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: The primary purpose of the essay is to inform the reader about how the cardiovascular system regulates blood pressure. The essay provides detailed explanations about the components of the cardiovascular system that regulate blood pressure, such as baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the kidneys. Choices A and B are incorrect because the essay does not focus on discussing the dangers of high blood pressure or its correlation with a higher risk of heart attack. Choice D is incorrect as the essay does not aim to persuade the reader to control their blood pressure but rather to educate them on the regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system.

Excerpt: The body is composed of systems that have evolved and diversified in order to maintain the natural functions and processes they regulate. One such system that has these regulators is the body’s cardiovascular system. The body’s pump, which regulates the flow of vitally needed oxygen to all cells of the body, as well as the discard of carbon dioxide and other waste products, is the heart. Because blood pressure varies at different points within the body, differing components are needed to keep the body’s blood pressure regulated. Three of the basic components are baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, and the kidneys. Baroreceptors are stretch receptors composed of fine branching nerve endings and are contained along the walls of the arteries near the heart and in other areas of the body as well. Impulses are related to this stretching along the arterial walls, which causes these baroreceptors to send out even more impulses to the heart, arteries, and veins, causing the blood pressure to go either up or down. Chemoreceptors are located along the walls of the arteries and monitor changes in oxygen level, carbon dioxide, and pH. Just think! A fall in oxygen causes receptors to send impulses to raise the blood pressure. The kidneys play a role in regulating blood pressure by absorbing salts and water and removing wastes. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex cause the kidney to keep or let go of any salt and water. This has an influence on blood volume and consequently on blood pressure.

5. What is the meaning of the word 'evolved' in the first paragraph?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: In the context of the given extract, 'evolved' means to gradually develop. The systems in the body have evolved over time, indicating a gradual development and adaptation. 'To spread,' 'to revolve,' and 'to shift' do not capture the idea of a gradual development as portrayed in the text, making them incorrect choices.

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