HESI A2 Vocabulary Practice Test

1. What does Vacuous mean?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: The correct answer is A: 'Empty.' Vacuous means lacking intelligence, empty-headed, or devoid of substance. Choice B, 'Full,' is incorrect as it is the opposite of vacuous. Choice C, 'Dense,' means closely compacted or stupid, not vacuous. Choice D, 'Bright,' means giving out or reflecting a lot of light, not vacuous.

2. What is the meaning of Augment?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The correct meaning of the word 'Augment' is 'to add to something.' Therefore, choice B, 'Add to,' is the correct answer. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect because they all suggest actions that involve reducing or decreasing something, which is the opposite of augmenting.

3. What is the meaning of Regulations?

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: Regulations refer to rules or directives established by authorities to govern conduct or actions. Therefore, the correct answer is A - 'Rules for Conduct.' Choice B, 'Official Standards,' is incorrect as regulations go beyond just setting standards to include specific rules for behavior. Choice C, 'Personal Guidelines,' is incorrect as regulations are not individualized but are generally applicable rules. Choice D, 'Suggestions,' is incorrect as regulations are mandatory and carry legal weight, unlike suggestions which are optional and not binding.

4. What is the meaning of Collusion?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The correct answer is B: 'Conspiracy.' Collusion refers to a secret agreement or conspiracy, often for deceitful or illegal purposes. Choice A, 'Cooperation,' is incorrect as collusion implies a deceptive or dishonest agreement, not a genuine cooperation. Choice C, 'Separation,' is incorrect as it denotes the opposite of collusion, which involves working together secretly. Choice D, 'Rejection,' is unrelated to collusion, which involves secret cooperation for deceptive purposes.

5. The student observed the tricky procedure with a certain amount of trepidation. What does trepidation mean?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The correct answer is B: Misgivings. Trepidation means a feeling of fear or apprehension. In this context, the student observed the procedure with a certain amount of trepidation, indicating that they were feeling uneasy or fearful. Choices A, C, and D are incorrect. Confidence (choice A) is the opposite of trepidation, as it denotes a feeling of self-assurance. Fear (choice C) is the closest synonym to trepidation, making it an attractive distractor, but it is not the correct answer. Doubt (choice D) is different from trepidation, as doubt refers to a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction, not necessarily fear or apprehension.

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