Reading Comprehension Practice Test HESI A2

Excerpt: HYPERTENSION: The term hypertension is used to describe the condition of chronically high blood pressure. People who are obese, experience a lot of stress, smoke tobacco products, have a diet with too much salt in it, or have diabetes are often at a higher risk for hypertension. As well, African Americans are more likely to have hypertension than other population groups. Hypertension often develops over many years. Older people are most often diagnosed with hypertension. One reason for this is that blood vessels lose elasticity and stiffen as a person ages. This creates more resistance to the blood flowing through the body and elevates blood pressure. Symptoms of hypertension can include blurred vision, headaches, a buzzing in the ears, fatigue, an irregular heartbeat, and nosebleeds. Hypertension that goes untreated over a period of time can lead to serious complications such as kidney disease, heart disease, loss of vision, heart attack, brain damage, and even early death. Fortunately, treating hypertension reduces blood pressure and can lower the risk of complications. For many people, losing weight can result in a significant decrease in blood pressure. For others, physicians may prescribe one or more medications to help bring blood pressure down into a safe range. One thing is certain: physicians believe that people over the age of 20 should monitor their blood pressure by having it checked at least once a year. Those with a history of hypertension in the immediate family should have it checked more frequently.

1. Which is the best title for the passage about Hypertension?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The best title for the passage about Hypertension is 'Causes, Symptoms, Complications, and Management of Hypertension.' This title accurately reflects the content of the passage, which provides information about the causes, symptoms, complications, and management of hypertension. It covers a broad spectrum of information presented in the passage, making it the most comprehensive and suitable title. Choice A, 'How to Manage Hypertension Successfully,' is too narrow as it focuses solely on management without encompassing the other crucial aspects like causes and symptoms. Choice B, 'Doctors Discover the Hidden Dangers of Hypertension,' is misleading as the passage does not focus on any recent discoveries but rather provides general information about hypertension. Choice C, 'Doctors Work to Understand the Causes of Hypertension,' is also inaccurate as the passage mainly discusses causes, symptoms, complications, and management, rather than doctors' ongoing research efforts.

Excerpt: Sickle-Cell Anemia: Healthy red blood cells are shaped like a disc. Each cell contains the protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. In some people, a crescent-shaped cell forms instead of the normal disc-shaped cell. The crescent-shaped cells contain abnormal hemoglobin. These sickle-shaped cells are fragile and are unable to carry oxygen properly throughout the body. Sickle-cell anemia is an inherited disease that affects about 72,000 people in the United States. It is more common among people of South American or African descent. The genes for sickle-cell anemia are inherited from both parents. When both parents carry a gene for the trait for sickle-cell, there is a one in four chance that they will pass the disease on to their children. Symptoms of sickle-cell anemia can include sudden occurrences of extreme abdominal and back pain, bone pain, fever, fatigue, and a rapid heart rate. One patient compared the pain in his back to a jackhammer and said the pain could take over his entire body. Another patient, an eight-year-old girl, described fevers and the feeling of someone squeezing her arms and legs. Cycles of symptoms are often unpredictable and can occur infrequently or almost constantly. Some people who are affected report weekly occurrences of persistent pain, while others report occurrences once a month. Some report that relief comes only by using powerful painkillers. For others, relief comes with bed rest and a hot-water bottle. Most agree that while the challenges of managing sickle-cell anemia are great, with diligent care, it can be managed.

2. What is the main idea of the passage about Sickle-Cell Anemia?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The correct answer is D. The passage focuses on describing sickle-cell anemia as a painful and inherited disease. It details how the abnormal sickle-shaped cells cause symptoms like bone pain, fever, and fatigue. While bone pain is mentioned as a symptom, it is not the main idea of the passage. Choice A is incorrect. Choice B, which mentions oxygen transport, is not the main idea but a general concept. Choice C, stating genetically inherited diseases affect thousands, is too broad and does not focus on the specifics of sickle-cell anemia. Therefore, D is the most precise choice.

Excerpt: SUPER FOODS: Super foods are whole, unprocessed foods such as blueberries, walnuts, beans, oats, and broccoli. Spinach, yogurt, and pomegranates are also considered super foods. They are classified as such because they contain high levels of essential nutrients, are low in calories, and can often help prevent�and even reverse�some of the common effects of aging including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. Super foods help lower cholesterol levels in the blood and, some researchers believe, even improve a person�s mood. High on the list of super foods are blueberries, fresh or frozen, which are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and potassium. Blueberries are also an anti-inflammatory, which many researchers and nutritionists believe is beneficial. Lentils are a super food that helps prevent a spike in insulin levels that can increase body fat. Lentils are high in both fiber and protein, each of which contributes to stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing excess fat, especially in the stomach area. Walnuts are a plant-based source of essential unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease by as much as 50 percent. All oats are healthful. Oats, even instant oatmeal, are digested slowly while providing up to five grams of fiber per serving. As physicians and nutritionists continue to study super foods and their effects, consumers continue to educate themselves about the variety of benefits. In an era when consumers question the origin and nutritional value of much of the food on store shelves, super foods are some of the most healthful and natural whole foods available.

3. Which statement would not be inferred by the reader in the passage about Super Foods?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The passage does not imply or provide information regarding the cost of superfoods compared to processed foods. Therefore, D is the correct answer, as it identifies a statement that cannot be inferred from the passage.

Excerpt: SUNLIGHT: Most people are familiar with the damaging effects of the sun on unprotected skin, but not enough attention is paid to the many positive effects of receiving direct exposure to sunlight on a regular basis. The most compelling argument for increased exposure to sunlight is the need for vitamin D in the human body. Vitamin D is integral for maintaining healthy bones and preventing diseases like rickets and osteoporosis. It is synthesized by the skin when it comes into contact with the UVB rays found in sunlight. In order to ensure you are receiving the proper amount of vitamin D, it is recommended to get 15 minutes of direct exposure to sunlight at least two or three times a week. UVB rays are made less intense when passing through clouds and pollution, and they will not transmit through glass or sunscreen. UVB rays are also less effective the farther you are from the equator. People with darker skin require more exposure to the sun to receive the same amount of vitamin D. In addition to vitamin D, sunlight will help regulate the circadian rhythms that ensure you get a good night�s sleep. Sunlight helps to prevent an overactive immune system, which may prove useful in preventing autoimmune diseases like psoriasis and lupus. Recent studies have even shown that sunlight can help lessen the symptoms of Alzheimer�s disease. The negative impacts of excess exposure to sunlight should not be ignored; cancers resulting from skin damage are a real concern that must be taken seriously. But the importance of vitamin D and the other positive impacts of sunlight make a compelling argument for making sure we are spending enough time every week in direct sunlight.

4. What is the author’s primary purpose in writing the essay about Sunny-Side Up?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The author's primary purpose is to inform readers about the benefits of sunlight, including its role in vitamin D synthesis and other health benefits. While the passage does advocate for sunlight exposure, the primary aim is to provide information rather than persuade or entertain, making D the most accurate choice.

Excerpt: SLEEP: Developing muscle growth is an effective way to stay healthy as we get older, but many people find it difficult to develop this muscle growth, even after modifying their exercise routine and food intake. What many people may not realize is that getting the proper amount of uninterrupted sleep plays a major role in the development of muscle. The hard work of developing muscle is done in the gym, on a track, or on the court, but the actual growth takes place during the rest periods that follow a workout. Your body immediately begins rebuilding the muscle fibers that were broken down during the course of your workout. Much of this process is carried out while you are sleeping, so without a full night of sleep, muscle fibers will not have the opportunity to rebuild. Human growth hormone (HGH) is an amino acid that is central to regulating metabolism, building muscle, facilitating calcium retention, and stimulating the immune system. The amount of HGH in your body spikes significantly during deep sleep, which makes getting at least 7 to 10 hours of sleep every night imperative to anyone hoping to develop additional muscle growth. Recent studies have linked inadequate amounts of sleep to lowered levels of leptin, a hormone in the brain that controls appetite. Test subjects who received less sleep, or frequently interrupted sleep, would crave carbohydrates even after their caloric needs reached satiety. This can contribute to obesity and negatively affect any good habits people may have developed with regard to food intake.

5. What conclusion can the reader draw after reading the passage about The Sleep Workout?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The correct answer is B because the passage highlights that insufficient sleep could lead to an increased risk of obesity. The passage emphasizes the importance of uninterrupted sleep in muscle development and mentions that inadequate sleep is linked to lowered levels of leptin, a hormone that controls appetite. This imbalance in leptin due to lack of sleep can lead to increased cravings for carbohydrates, contributing to obesity. Choice A is incorrect as the passage stresses the significance of both uninterrupted sleep and getting enough sleep for muscle growth. Choice C is incorrect because the passage clearly states that human growth hormone (HGH) is essential for muscle development. Choice D is incorrect as leptin is not essential for building muscle but is mentioned in the passage as a hormone related to controlling appetite and its link to inadequate sleep and obesity.

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