HESI A2 Vocabulary Quiz

1. Choose the meaning of the word 'mercurial' in the following sentence: 'Due to his mercurial temperament, Justin did not work well with others.'

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: The word 'mercurial' in this sentence means unpredictable or prone to sudden changes in mood or behavior. Justin's temperament can be characterized as unpredictable, which is causing him to not work well with others. Choice A, 'Continuous,' does not align with the meaning of 'mercurial' as it implies a steady, uninterrupted flow. Choice C, 'Mercenary,' refers to being primarily motivated by money or reward, which is not the context here. Choice D, 'Miraculous,' means extraordinary or remarkable, which is not the intended meaning in this sentence.

2. What is another word for elated?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The word 'elated' means to be ecstatically happy or joyful. Similarly, 'delighted' also means to be extremely pleased or filled with joy. Therefore, 'delighted' is another word that could be used to express the same meaning as 'elated.' Choices A, B, and C are incorrect. 'Edified' means to instruct or enlighten, 'confused' means to be unclear or bewildered, and 'flabbergasted' means to be astonished or amazed, which do not convey the same meaning as 'elated.'

3. Choose the meaning of the word 'disregard' in the following sentence: 'He chose to disregard the warnings.'

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The correct meaning of 'disregard' in the sentence provided is 'to ignore.' When someone disregards something, they are choosing not to pay attention to it or consider it important. Choice A, 'Have no opinion about,' is incorrect as disregard implies actively ignoring something rather than having no opinion. Choice B, 'Pay attention to,' is the opposite of disregard. Choice C, 'Care for,' is also the opposite of disregard, as caring for something implies giving it importance and attention.

4. Choose the meaning of the word 'exposure' in the following sentence: 'People with weakened immune systems should avoid exposure to flu.'

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: In this sentence, the word 'exposure' is used to refer to coming in contact with the flu virus. Therefore, in this context, the meaning of 'exposure' is related to 'contact.' Choices A, B, and D are incorrect. 'Disclosure' means revealing information, 'pretense' means pretending, and 'display' means to show or exhibit, none of which captures the intended meaning of 'exposure' in the sentence provided.

5. If a patient’s condition is deteriorating, he is ___________.

Correct Answer: A

Rationale: When a patient's condition is deteriorating, it means that their health is declining or worsening. This can involve a range of factors such as worsening symptoms, declining vital signs, or an overall decline in health status. In this context, the phrase 'getting worse' best describes the situation of a patient whose condition is deteriorating. Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because they do not reflect the concept of deterioration in a patient's health. Improving gradually (choice B) indicates a positive trend, resisting medication (choice C) suggests a behavioral response, and failing to eat or drink (choice D) points to a specific issue rather than a general decline in health.

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