HESI A2 Reading Comprehension

Excerpt: PHOTOTHERAPY: Phototherapy, commonly referred to as light therapy, has been an established form of medicine for more than a century. In recent years it has become closely associated with seasonal affective disorder, of which it is an effective and well-known treatment, but it is also used to treat a broad range of medical issues including acne, psoriasis, and eczema. The most common form of light therapy involves a patient sitting in front of a medically designed light box for a prescribed amount of time every morning. The light is positioned at an exact distance from the patient's eyes so that it strikes both the skin and the retina. The light box mimics the effects of natural sunlight, but the UV rays are filtered to ensure there is no damage to the patient's skin or eyes. Phototherapy is thought to be a safe method of reducing the amount of bacteria on the skin, reducing inflammatory responses, and affecting the chemicals in the brain associated with mood. One of the most recent technologies to be associated with phototherapy is the phototherapy blanket. In the late 1960s it was discovered that phototherapy can be used to treat jaundice in newborn babies. Neonatal jaundice, a yellowing of the skin in newborn infants due to excess bilirubin levels in the blood, is usually harmless but can cause brain damage if left untreated. Newborns are given a phototherapy blanket, a small pad with flexible LED light panels sewn into the fabric, to sleep with until their livers are able to process the excess bilirubin. The many benefits of phototherapy make it a valuable resource for addressing a variety of ailments. Emerging innovations in LED and photo technologies ensure that many more practical applications will be developed for this particular form of treatment in the years to come.

1. What is the meaning of the word 'established' as used in the first paragraph?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: In this context, 'established' means 'founded' or set up for a long time. The word is used to indicate that phototherapy has been a recognized and in place form of medicine for over a century. 'Created' (choice A) is incorrect as it implies the initial invention of phototherapy, which is not the intended meaning here. 'Ascertained' (choice B) means to find out for certain, which does not match the context of how phototherapy has been practiced. 'Reputable' (choice D) means having a good reputation, which is not the same as being long-standing or founded.

Excerpt: THE CDC: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is always busy monitoring health issues and sending out regular warnings to make sure people know of any impending threats. One of the most recent warnings, however, caught Americans by surprise. The CDC announced that one of today's most under-recognized public health problems is sleep loss. It is estimated that between 50 and 70 million Americans suffer from this problem. Adequate sleep is essential to good mental and physical health. If you do not get enough sleep on a regular basis, you run an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular disease, depression, cigarette smoking, and excessive drinking. Those are not minor health issues! To find out how many Americans are not getting enough sleep, the CDC surveyed almost 20,000 adults in four states. Ten percent of the people studied reported not getting enough sleep every single day of the previous month, and 38 percent reported not getting enough in seven or more days in the previous month. How much sleep is enough sleep? According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need 7 to 9 hours each night, whereas children under 12 need 9 to 11 hours and teenagers need between 8� and 9� hours. Unfortunately, instead of sleeping, many people stay up late at night to surf the Internet or watch television. Along with the health risks that chronic sleep loss can bring, experts also believe it is responsible for thousands of people who die on the road each year from accidents caused by sleepy drivers. There is no doubt that spending less time with eyes closed can make your days longer, your health worse, and your driving riskier.

2. The main idea of the passage is ___________.

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The main idea of the passage is that lack of adequate sleep is becoming a major national health problem.

Excerpt: SPANKING: Put a dozen parents together in a room, and you will most likely have a dozen different theories of parenting. One of the most debated issues in raising kids is how to discipline them, especially when it comes to the question of to spank or not to spank. Some moms and dads are sure that it is an integral part of showing their kids what is right and wrong. Others are equally sure that spanking is a cruel act of violence against kids. Which is it? According to a new study reported at the American Psychological Association Summit Conference on Violence and Abuse in Relationships, spanking or other forms of corporal punishment apparently increase the risk of future sexual problems such as violent or coercive sex with partners. "The more children are spanked, the more aggressive they are and the more likely they are to engage in delinquent or at-risk behaviors," says Elizabeth Gershoff from the University of Michigan's School of Social Work. "Kids may learn that sometimes there's pain and fear involved in loving relationships." Naturally, there are those who disagree as well. Some scientists believe that spanking two- to six-year-old children can be very helpful as long as parents are not angry or out of control emotionally. Human development researcher Robert Larzelere adds that parents simply must be able to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate use. Although opinion on spanking remains divided, research continues on this contentious issue. In the meantime, however, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to use other methods of discipline.

3. Which is not mentioned as a possible result of being spanked in childhood?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The correct answer is D: 'Incontinence.' The passage discusses the negative consequences of spanking in childhood, such as increased aggression, delinquent behavior, and future sexual problems like coercive sex. However, incontinence is not mentioned as a possible result of being spanked. Therefore, it is the correct choice. Choices A, B, and C are all supported by the passage, making them incorrect answers.

Excerpt: OSTEOPOROSIS: Almost everyone knows, thanks to everything from newspaper articles to endless television commercials, that bone density is a major health concern for women. Osteoporosis has become a familiar term, and more and more women are booking bone density tests to make sure all is well underneath the skin. In all the hype, however, there are certain people who are being overlooked: men. It appears that older men need routine checks for bone thinning as well. A new computerized tool sponsored by the World Health Organization is being used to identify the people most at risk for experiencing a broken bone. One of its findings is that men older than 70 years of age should have a bone mineral density x-ray test on a regular basis. This tool, called FRAX, calculates the risk of a person experiencing a hip, wrist, shoulder, or spine fracture within the next decade. Those tested were age 40 or older and either had osteoporosis or low bone mass. FRAX takes many different elements into consideration when figuring a person's risk level. It factors in diet, exercise, and exposure to sunlight, for example. It also looks at where people live, what genetic factors might be involved, as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, and the use of steroids. The National Osteoporosis Foundation has used the FRAX predictions to create updated guidelines. Their new recommendations not only include bone density tests for men but also a stronger emphasis on the importance of weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises and an increased amount of vitamin D supplementation.

4. FRAX takes into account all of the following factors EXCEPT ___________.

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: FRAX, a tool used to assess fracture risk, considers various factors like lifestyle choices, genetic heritage, and exposure to sunlight. However, exposure to toxins is not mentioned in the provided extract as a factor considered by FRAX. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Exposure to toxins is unrelated to fracture risk assessment as per the information provided. Lifestyle choices, genetic heritage, and exposure to sunlight are all factors that FRAX takes into consideration to determine the risk of experiencing a fracture within the next decade.

Excerpt: SLEEP: When most people think about taking a nap, they typically envision being down for the count for at least an hour or two. A German stuWhen most people think about taking a nap, they typically envision being down for the count for at least an hour or two. A German study, however, has shown that if you really want to refresh your brain, a six-minute catnap will do it. Not only will you feel better afterward, but your ability to learn and remember will have improved as well. As described in a recent article in the Journal of Sleep Research, students at the University of Dusseldorf participated in experiments in which they had to memorize a list of words and then either take a nap or play a video game. The ones who napped scored consistently higher than those who stayed awake. The study may help scientists learn more about what happens when people go to sleep. They already know that the brain undergoes a number of significant changes in the process. "There are dramatic shifts in brain chemistry and electrophysiology," said Dr. Matthew Tucker, researcher at Harvard University School of Medicine and the Center for Sleep and Cognition. "For example, we know that levels of the transmitter acetylcholine go down. And we think that when acetylcholine gets to a low point, it should have an enhancing effect on memory." Experts believe that sleeping is the brain's chance to decide which details and memories from the day need to be placed in permanent storage and which ones need to be thrown out. It has to do this because there is only so much room in the brain for information. Of course, those catnaps may be wonderful, but they can never replace the value of a solid eight hours of sleep. As Dr. Olaf Lahl, the study's lead author, remarks, "A regular sleep schedule still plays an important role in overall well-being and health."dy, however, has shown that if you really want to refresh your brain, a six-minute catnap will do it. Not only will you feel better afterward, but your ability to learn and remember will have improved as well. As described in a recent article in the Journal of Sleep Research, students at the University of Dusseldorf participated in experiments in which they had to memorize a list of words and then either take a nap or play a video game. The ones who napped scored consistently higher than those who stayed awake. The study may help scientists learn more about what happens when people go to sleep. They already know that the brain undergoes a number of significant changes in the process. “There are dramatic shifts in brain chemistry and electrophysiology,” said Dr. Matthew Tucker, researcher at Harvard University School of Medicine and the Center for Sleep and Cognition. “For example, we know that levels of the transmitter acetylcholine go down. And we think that when acetylcholine gets to a low point, it should have an enhancing effect on memory.” Experts believe that sleeping is the brain’s chance to decide which details and memories from the day need to be placed in permanent storage and which ones need to be thrown out. It has to do this because there is only so much room in the brain for information. Of course, those catnaps may be wonderful, but they can never replace the value of a solid eight hours of sleep. As Dr. Olaf Lahl, the study’s lead author, remarks, “A regular sleep schedule still plays an important role in overall well-being and health.”

5. Sleeping apparently helps with everything EXCEPT ___________.

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: Based on the provided extract, sleeping helps with fatigue, memory, and learning. The passage mentions how a nap can refresh the brain, improve the ability to learn and remember, and enhance memory. However, the extract does not mention anything about sleeping helping with appetite. Therefore, the correct answer is D. Choices A, B, and C are supported by the content of the passage, emphasizing the positive effects of sleep on fatigue, memory, and learning.

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