ATI TEAS 7 English quizlet

1. Which sentence uses the pronoun 'they' correctly?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: A. "They" should be used with "are," not "is." B. Correct use of "they" for multiple people (Sarah and John). C. "They" should not be paired with "needs." D. "They" should be used with "enjoy," not "enjoys."

2. Which sentence uses the semicolon correctly?

Correct Answer: B

Rationale: Option B correctly uses a semicolon to join two independent clauses related to the same event. In this sentence, 'The guests arrived' and 'Sarah greeted them at the door' are both independent clauses that are appropriately connected using a semicolon. Choice A incorrectly uses a semicolon before 'however,' which is a conjunction that should be preceded by a comma. Choice C incorrectly uses a semicolon to connect two independent clauses that are not closely related. Choice D incorrectly uses a semicolon to connect two independent clauses without a clear relationship or cohesion.

3. What literary device is used in the phrase 'the lion's roar thundered across the savanna'?

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The phrase 'the lion's roar thundered across the savanna' is an example of personification. Personification gives human-like qualities to non-human entities. In this case, the lion's roar is described as 'thundered,' attributing the human characteristic of thundering to the sound the lion makes. This choice is correct because it personifies the lion's roar, making it seem powerful and imposing. The other choices are incorrect because a simile would use 'like' or 'as' to compare two unlike things, a metaphor would directly equate the lion's roar to thunder without using 'like' or 'as,' and hyperbole would involve exaggeration beyond belief, which is not present in the given phrase.

4. Which sentence avoids a dangling modifier?

Correct Answer: C

Rationale: Option C correctly places the participle phrase 'Reading the book' directly in front of the subject 'I,' ensuring that there is no dangling modifier. This structure establishes a clear connection between the action described in the introductory phrase and the subject performing the action, resulting in a grammatically correct sentence. Choice A, B, and D have dangling modifiers. In choice A, the phrase 'Walking down the street' should be followed by the noun it is describing to avoid the dangling modifier. Choice B has a dangling modifier as 'Having finished the report' does not have a clear subject to relate to. Choice D also has a dangling modifier as 'Exhausted from the hike' is not properly connected to the subject in the sentence.

5. In literature, the phrase 'a bold new world' is an example of

Correct Answer: D

Rationale: The phrase 'a bold new world' is a metaphor. Metaphors make direct comparisons between two unlike things without using 'like' or 'as.' In this case, 'a bold new world' is not meant to be taken literally but is used to convey the idea of a fresh, innovative, and adventurous situation. It goes beyond a mere exaggeration (hyperbole), a contradictory phrase (oxymoron), or a comparison using 'like' or 'as' (simile), making 'metaphor' the correct choice in this context.

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