Safe and Effective Care Environment Nclex PN Questions

Which of the following devices may be applicable to a bedridden patient to address potential venous insufficiency? Choose all that apply.

    A. Shear-reducing mattress

    B. Sequential compression devices

    C. Compression stockings

    D. Non-skid socks

Correct Answer: B and C
Rationale: For a bedridden patient with potential venous insufficiency, sequential compression devices (SCDs) and compression stockings are appropriate choices. SCDs help improve venous return from the lower extremities by applying sequential pressure, aiding circulation. Compression stockings also assist in preventing blood from pooling in the legs by applying pressure to support venous return. Shear-reducing mattresses are not directly related to managing venous insufficiency, as they are designed to reduce friction and shear forces on the skin to prevent pressure ulcers. Non-skid socks are primarily used for fall prevention and have no direct impact on venous insufficiency.

Which of the following ethnic groups is at highest risk in the United States for pesticide-related injuries?

  • A. Native American
  • B. Asian-Pacific
  • C. Norwegian
  • D. Hispanic

Correct Answer: Hispanic
Rationale: The correct answer is 'Hispanic.' Hispanic individuals in the United States are at a higher risk for pesticide-related injuries due to their representation among migrant workers in agricultural settings. This exposure to pesticides in their work environments increases their risk compared to other ethnic groups. Choice A, 'Native American,' although indigenous populations may face environmental health disparities, the higher risk in this context is among Hispanic individuals. Choice B, 'Asian-Pacific,' and Choice C, 'Norwegian,' do not have the same level of exposure to pesticides as Hispanic migrant workers, making them less susceptible to pesticide-related injuries.

Which of these should not be included when calculating a client’s fluid intake?

  • A. ice chips
  • B. Jell-O™
  • C. pudding
  • D. IV fluid from an antibiotic piggyback

Correct Answer: pudding
Rationale: Pudding is a semi-solid and does not contribute significantly to fluid intake as it does not melt at room temperature. Therefore, it should not be included in fluid intake calculations. On the other hand, ice chips, Jell-O™, and IV fluid from an antibiotic piggyback are all sources of fluid that can significantly contribute to a client's total fluid intake and should be considered when calculating it. Ice chips and Jell-O™ provide hydration upon melting, while IV fluid directly adds to the fluid volume in the body.

A risk management program within a hospital is responsible for all of the following except:

  • A. identifying risks.
  • B. controlling financial loss due to malpractice claims.
  • C. ensuring that staff follow their job descriptions.
  • D. analyzing risks and trends to guide further interventions or programs.

Correct Answer: ensuring that staff follow their job descriptions.
Rationale: A risk management program within a hospital is responsible for identifying risks, controlling financial loss due to malpractice claims, and analyzing risks and trends to guide further interventions or programs. It is not responsible for ensuring that staff follow their job descriptions. Monitoring staff adherence to their job descriptions falls under the purview of departmental managers or supervisors. The primary focus of a risk management program is to assess, mitigate, and manage risks related to patient safety, quality of care, and financial implications, rather than overseeing staff job descriptions.

Which cultural group has the highest incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)?

  • A. Asians
  • B. Caucasians
  • C. Hispanics
  • D. African Americans

Correct Answer: Caucasians
Rationale: The correct answer is Caucasians. Studies have shown that Caucasians have the highest incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) compared to other cultural groups. While IBD can affect individuals from various backgrounds, the prevalence is notably higher in Caucasians. Asians, Hispanics, and African Americans have a lower incidence of IBD compared to Caucasians, making them incorrect choices in this context.

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