Health Promotion and Maintenance NCLEX Questions

1. An Rh-negative woman with previous sensitization has delivered an Rh-positive fetus. Which of the following nursing actions should be included in the client’s care plan?

Correct Answer: emotional support to help the family cope with feelings of guilt about the infant’s condition

Rationale: In this scenario, the Rh-negative woman has been sensitized, posing a risk to any Rh-positive fetus she delivers. The most appropriate nursing action is to provide emotional support to help the family cope with the infant's condition. This includes addressing potential outcomes like death or neurological damage. Administering MICRhoGam (Choice B) to a sensitized woman is not recommended; it is only given post-abortion or ectopic pregnancy to prevent sensitization. Rh-immune globulin is not administered to the newborn (Choice C) in this case. Analyzing the maternal Direct Coombs’ test (Choice D) is unnecessary; instead, an Indirect Coombs’ test is used to assess sensitization. Therefore, the correct nursing action is to offer emotional support to the family, acknowledging the challenges they may face.

2. What is a chemical reaction between drugs before their administration or absorption known as?

Correct Answer: a drug incompatibility

Rationale: A chemical reaction between drugs before their administration or absorption is termed a drug incompatibility. This phenomenon commonly occurs when drug solutions are mixed before intravenous administration but can also happen with orally administered drugs. Choices B, C, and D are incorrect because side effects, adverse events, and allergic responses typically occur after the drugs have been administered and absorbed, not before.

3. While performing a physical assessment on a 6-month-old infant, the nurse observes head lag. Which of the following nursing actions should the nurse perform first?

Correct Answer: Notify the physician because a developmental or neurological evaluation is indicated.

Rationale: Head lag should be completely resolved by 4 months of age. Continuing head lag at 6 months of age indicates the need for further developmental or neurological evaluation. Laying the infant on his stomach promotes muscle development of the neck and shoulder muscles, but because of the age of this child, a referral should be the first action. The findings are abnormal for a 6-month-old infant. Significant head lag can be seen in infants with Down syndrome and hypoxia, as well as neurological and other metabolic disorders. While some of these disorders might include developmental delays, stating this to the parents without a proper evaluation can cause unnecessary distress. The priority is to identify the cause of the head lag through a medical evaluation before discussing potential outcomes with the parents.

4. When working with multicultural populations, the nurse should consider all of the following when planning care for a client with an altered sexuality pattern except:

Correct Answer: some Hispanic and Native-American cultures are very open when discussing sexuality.

Rationale: When working with multicultural populations, it is essential to understand cultural variations in beliefs and practices related to sexuality. While it is true that some cultures view the postpartum period as a state of impurity and that some women in the African-American culture view childbearing as a validation of their femaleness, the statement 'some Hispanic and Native-American cultures are very open when discussing sexuality' is incorrect. In reality, many cultures, including Hispanic and Native-American cultures, are sometimes hesitant to discuss sexuality. For example, some Navajos, Hispanics, and Orthodox Jews may consider the postpartum period as impure, leading to seclusion of women until the end of bleeding, marked by a ritual bath. Additionally, many Native-American women believe in the importance of monthly menstruation for physical well-being and harmony. Therefore, the statement about Hispanic and Native-American cultures being very open about discussing sexuality is not accurate in the context of working with multicultural populations.

5. When a client who is having trouble conceiving says to the nurse, 'I have started taking ginseng,' the best response by the nurse is:

Correct Answer: “Some studies show that ginseng enhances in vitro sperm motility.”

Rationale: Some studies have shown that ginseng enhances in vitro sperm motility, making Choice B the correct response. It directly addresses the client’s comments about taking ginseng and provides valuable information regarding its potential effect on sperm motility. Alternative therapies are often sought by couples struggling with infertility, and acknowledging the potential benefits of ginseng can empower the client. Choice A is incorrect as it slightly misrepresents the evidence by overgeneralizing its effectiveness. Choice C dismisses ginseng without acknowledging its potential benefits, potentially closing off a fruitful discussion with the client. Choice D, while neutral, misses the opportunity to validate the client's choice and explore further options collaboratively. It is crucial for nurses to respect clients' choices, provide accurate information, and guide them effectively in exploring different alternatives.