Health Promotion and Maintenance NCLEX PN Questions

1. In a community pediatric health clinic, which developmental task should you apply into your practice?

Correct Answer: You should apply the principles of initiative when caring for preschool children.

Rationale: When working in a community pediatric health clinic, applying the principles of initiative is crucial when caring for preschool children. According to Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory, the developmental task for preschool children is initiative. Preschool children are in the stage where they are eager to initiate activities and carry out tasks. This stage is characterized by a balance between initiative and guilt. By encouraging children to explore and take the initiative in a supportive environment, healthcare providers can foster their sense of independence and creativity. The other choices are incorrect because: - Sensorimotor thought is a term associated with Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory, not Erikson's psychosocial theory. - Intimacy is a developmental task associated with young adults, not adolescents, in Erikson's theory. - Concrete operations is a term linked to Piaget's theory of cognitive development and is not a developmental task according to Erikson's psychosocial theory.

2. All of the following factors, when identified in the history of a family, are correlated with poverty except:

Correct Answer: low incidence of dental problems

Rationale: Factors correlated with poverty often include a high infant mortality rate, frequent use of Emergency Departments, and consultation with folk healers, as these indicate limited access to healthcare. Dental problems are prevalent in poverty due to a lack of preventive care and access to treatments. High infant mortality is a significant issue linked with poverty as it reflects poor healthcare access. Families in poverty might resort to Emergency Departments for healthcare due to financial barriers. Consulting folk healers is common in communities with limited access to formal healthcare. However, a low incidence of dental problems is less likely in impoverished families due to the lack of preventive services and the presence of other health issues.

3. The LPN is caring for a client newly diagnosed with HIV. Which statement made by the client regarding antiretroviral therapy (ART) would require correction from the nurse?

Correct Answer: “I know I will need to come back for blood draws so that I can begin ART when my CD4 count is over 1,000 cells/mm3.”

Rationale: The correct answer is the statement, “I know I will need to come back for blood draws so that I can begin ART when my CD4 count is over 1,000 cells/mm3.” This statement would require correction from the nurse because initiating ART when the CD4 count is over 1,000 cells/mm3 is not supported by guidelines. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends making treatment a priority for those with a CD4 count of ≤350 cells/mm3, as early intervention can help delay disease progression. Therefore, waiting for a CD4 count of over 1,000 cells/mm3 is not in line with current recommendations. Choice A is correct, as studies have shown that using condoms along with ART can significantly reduce the risk of HIV transmission to sexual partners. Choice B is also correct because being Hepatitis C positive does not contraindicate the use of ART. Choice C is correct as well, as ART is typically needed indefinitely to maintain viral suppression and manage HIV. Therefore, the only statement that would require correction is Choice D.

4. During a routine health screening, the nurse should talk to the parents of a 1-year-old child about which of the following?

Correct Answer: the potential hazards of accidents

Rationale: During a routine health screening for a 1-year-old child, discussing the potential hazards of accidents is crucial. Accidents are the primary source of injury in children and can be life-threatening. Addressing appropriate nutrition now that the child has been weaned from breastfeeding should have already been discussed. Toilet training is important but is typically addressed at a later age as one year is too early for this milestone. While preventing accidents in the house is important, focusing on the potential hazards of accidents in general is more comprehensive and critical for the child's safety.

5. A pregnant client asks how she can prevent getting Group B Strep. What is the LPN’s best response?

Correct Answer: You cannot prevent getting Group B Strep; you can only treat it.

Rationale: The best response for the LPN to provide to a pregnant client concerned about preventing Group B Strep is that it cannot be prevented, only treated. Group B Strep is a normal flora found in the vagina, rectum, and intestines of about 25% of women and is not a sexually transmitted disease. Testing for Group B Strep is done in each pregnancy, usually around 35-37 weeks. If a woman tests positive, antibiotics are administered during labor to reduce the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby. Choice A is the correct answer as Group B Strep cannot be prevented but only treated. Choice B is incorrect; condom use does not prevent Group B Strep. Choice C is not the best response as hand-washing is important for general hygiene but does not specifically prevent Group B Strep. Choice D is incorrect as there is no vaccine available to prevent Group B Strep.