Nclex Exam Cram Practice Questions

Which of the following is an appropriate nursing goal for a client at risk for nutritional problems?

    A. provide oxygen

    B. promote healthy nutritional practices

    C. treat complications of malnutrition

    D. increase weight

Correct Answer: promote healthy nutritional practices
Rationale: The correct answer is to promote healthy nutritional practices. This goal focuses on preventive measures to address the client's nutritional risk. Providing oxygen (Choice A) is not directly related to addressing nutritional problems. Treating complications of malnutrition (Choice C) involves addressing the consequences rather than preventing or managing the nutritional problems. Increasing weight (Choice D) would only be appropriate if the client is underweight; it does not address the broader aspect of promoting overall healthy nutritional practices.

A nurse is reviewing the notes written by a nurse on a previous shift. Which note in the client’s record reflects the correct use of guidelines for documentation?

  • A. The client’s wound is healing well.
  • B. The client seems anxious.
  • C. The client’s intake was 360 mL
  • D. The client is voiding large amounts

Correct Answer: The client’s intake was 360 mL
Rationale: Quality documentation and reporting require information to be factual, accurate, complete, current, and organized. Choice C, 'The client’s intake was 360 mL,' reflects the correct use of guidelines for documentation as it provides a specific and measurable observation. This note meets the criteria for quality documentation by being specific and quantifiable. Choices A, B, and D lack specificity and quantifiability. Choice A includes a subjective term 'well,' choice B uses 'seems' indicating uncertainty, and choice D uses a vague term 'large' without quantifying the amount.

The healthcare provider sustains a needle puncture that requires HIV prophylaxis. Which of the following medication regimens should be used?

  • A. an antibiotic such as Metronidazole and a protease inhibitor (Saquinavir)
  • B. two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
  • C. one protease inhibitor such as Nelfinavir
  • D. two protease inhibitors

Correct Answer: two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Rationale: In the scenario of a needle puncture requiring HIV prophylaxis, the CDC recommends initiating treatment with two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, unless there is drug resistance. This regimen is preferred over other options such as a single protease inhibitor or two protease inhibitors due to its effectiveness and safety profile in this specific context. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are commonly used in post-exposure prophylaxis due to their activity against HIV and lower risk of resistance development compared to other antiretroviral drug classes.

Several passengers aboard an airliner suddenly become weak and suffer breathing difficulty. The diagnosis is likely to be

  • A. Outbreak of Asian flu.
  • B. Chemical exposure.
  • C. Bacterial pneumonia.
  • D. Allergic reaction.

Correct Answer: Chemical exposure.
Rationale: In the scenario described, where multiple passengers on an airliner experience sudden weakness and breathing difficulty simultaneously, the most likely cause is chemical exposure. This is because a sudden onset of similar symptoms in a group of individuals suggests a common environmental factor affecting them. Options A, C, and D are less likely as they do not explain a sudden onset of symptoms in multiple individuals simultaneously. Asian flu (Option A) is a viral infection and would not typically result in sudden symptoms in multiple individuals at the same time. Bacterial pneumonia (Option C) is a localized infection and not a probable cause for a sudden onset of symptoms in a group. An allergic reaction (Option D) would usually occur in individuals with specific allergies rather than affecting a group of passengers at the same time.

During an emergency procedure, is the surgical timeout a requirement?

  • A. The surgical timeout should be performed by the surgical team unless it would cause a delay leading to injury or death.
  • B. No, the timeout is not necessary during an emergency procedure.
  • C. No, the surgical timeout is not required in emergency procedures.
  • D. Yes, the surgical timeout must be performed in all cases.

Correct Answer: The surgical timeout should be performed by the surgical team unless it would cause a delay leading to injury or death.
Rationale: During an emergency procedure, the surgical timeout should be performed unless doing so would cause a delay leading to injury or death. This is because the primary goal during an emergency is to swiftly address the critical situation. Choice B is incorrect as it implies that the timeout is not necessary, which is not accurate. Choice C is also incorrect as it suggests that the timeout is not required in emergency procedures, disregarding safety protocols. Choice D is incorrect as it wrongly states that the timeout must be performed in all cases without considering the potential risks associated with delays during emergencies.

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