Safe and Effective Care Environment Nclex PN Questions

When should the biohazard emblem be affixed to containers according to the orientation nurse educator reviewing the biohazard legend with a class of new employees?

    A. when there is presence of blood and body fluids.

    B. when there is the need for droplet precautions.

    C. when there is contact isolation.

    D. when there is the potential for airborne transmission.

Correct Answer: when there is presence of blood and body fluids.
Rationale: The correct answer is 'when there is presence of blood and body fluids.' When handling body substances like blood and body fluids, the risk of transmission of infections increases. Federal regulations mandate warning labels on containers to alert employees and waste collectors. The biohazard emblem consists of a three-ring symbol overlaying a central concentric ring. Blood, wound drainage, feces, and urine are examples of body fluids that can transmit infections and diseases to others. The other choices, B, C, and D, are incorrect because the presence of the biohazard emblem is specifically linked to the handling of blood and body fluids, not to droplet precautions, contact isolation, or airborne transmission.

Which of the following is not an advanced directive?

  • A. informed consent
  • B. living will
  • C. durable power of attorney for health care
  • D. health care proxy

Correct Answer: informed consent
Rationale: Informed consent is the process of obtaining permission from a patient before conducting a healthcare intervention. It is not considered an advanced directive. A living will is a legal document that outlines a person's preferences for medical treatment if they are unable to communicate. A durable power of attorney for health care designates a person to make medical decisions on behalf of the patient. A health care proxy, which is another term for a durable power of attorney for health care, also involves appointing someone to make healthcare decisions for an individual if they become unable to do so. Therefore, the correct answer is 'informed consent,' as it is not an advanced directive but rather a different aspect of patient care.

If a visitor accidentally knocks over a plastic pleural drainage system connected to a client, causing it to crack, what should the nurse do first?

  • A. Observe the client’s response.
  • B. Notify the physician.
  • C. Change the drainage system.
  • D. Observe for leaks.

Correct Answer: C: Change the drainage system.
Rationale: When a pleural drainage system is cracked, the nurse's initial action should be to change the drainage system. This is essential to prevent potential complications like air leaks or infections. While observing the client’s response and checking for leaks are important steps, they are secondary to addressing the immediate issue of the cracked system. Notifying the physician, though necessary, can be carried out once the primary concern of the damaged system is resolved.

The healthcare provider sustains a needle puncture that requires HIV prophylaxis. Which of the following medication regimens should be used?

  • A. an antibiotic such as Metronidazole and a protease inhibitor (Saquinavir)
  • B. two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
  • C. one protease inhibitor such as Nelfinavir
  • D. two protease inhibitors

Correct Answer: two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
Rationale: In the scenario of a needle puncture requiring HIV prophylaxis, the CDC recommends initiating treatment with two non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, unless there is drug resistance. This regimen is preferred over other options such as a single protease inhibitor or two protease inhibitors due to its effectiveness and safety profile in this specific context. Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are commonly used in post-exposure prophylaxis due to their activity against HIV and lower risk of resistance development compared to other antiretroviral drug classes.

The nurse is preparing task assignments for the day. Which task should the nurse assign to a nursing assistant?

  • A. Monitoring for bleeding for a client who has just undergone cardiac catheterization
  • B. Assisting a client who is getting up to ambulate for the first time after surgery
  • C. Providing oral care to an unconscious client who requires oral care
  • D. Completing the preoperative checklist for a client scheduled for a liver biopsy

Correct Answer: Providing oral care to an unconscious client who requires oral care
Rationale: When delegating tasks, the nurse must consider the state nursing practice act guidelines and job descriptions. Providing oral care to an unconscious client is a task suitable for delegation to a nursing assistant. The nurse should give clear instructions on adapting the procedure for the client's needs and the signs of complications to watch for. Monitoring for bleeding after cardiac catheterization necessitates immediate nursing assessment, which requires critical thinking and intervention that exceeds a nursing assistant's scope of practice. Assisting a client with ambulation post-surgery carries the risk of orthostatic hypotension and should be performed by a licensed nurse. Completing a preoperative checklist for a client scheduled for a liver biopsy involves critical assessment and preparation that are within the nurse's scope of practice.

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