Safe and Effective Care Environment Nclex PN Questions

A case management clinical pathway for congestive heart failure might include all of the following except:

    A. physician follow-up appointments with transportation

    B. client education regarding medication use

    C. a nutritional consult for diet review and accommodation

    D. insurance review for reimbursement

Correct Answer: insurance review for reimbursement
Rationale: In a case management clinical pathway for congestive heart failure, the focus is on providing medical care and support to the patient. Choices A, B, and C are integral parts of managing congestive heart failure. Physician follow-up appointments with transportation ensure continuity of care, client education about medication use is crucial for adherence, and a nutritional consult helps in managing the patient's diet. However, insurance review for reimbursement is not typically part of the clinical pathway as it pertains to financial aspects and is usually handled by billing departments or external agencies. Therefore, the correct answer is 'insurance review for reimbursement.'

When the healthcare provider is determining the appropriate size of an oropharyngeal airway to insert, what part of a client’s body should they measure?

  • A. corner of the mouth to the tragus of the ear
  • B. corner of the eye to the top of the ear
  • C. tip of the chin to the sternum
  • D. tip of the nose to the earlobe

Correct Answer: corner of the mouth to the tragus of the ear
Rationale: When selecting the correct size of an oropharyngeal airway, the healthcare provider should measure from the corner of the client’s mouth to the tragus of the ear. This measurement ensures that the airway is the appropriate length to maintain a clear air passage for exchange. Measuring from the corner of the eye to the top of the ear (Choice B) is inaccurate and not a standard measurement for selecting the size of an oropharyngeal airway. Measuring from the tip of the chin to the sternum (Choice C) is irrelevant to determining the correct size of the airway. Similarly, measuring from the tip of the nose to the earlobe (Choice D) is also incorrect and does not provide the necessary measurement for selecting an oropharyngeal airway size.

Which direction given to the nursing assistant is most likely to accomplish the task of getting a urine specimen delivered to the lab immediately after collection?

  • A. “Make it a stat delivery.”
  • B. “Please do it as soon as you can after break.”
  • C. “This client is delirious, and we’re worried about urinary sepsis.”
  • D. “Take this client to the bathroom now and collect a urine specimen from this voiding. Take the specimen to the lab immediately.”

Correct Answer: “Take this client to the bathroom now and collect a urine specimen from this voiding. Take the specimen to the lab immediately.”
Rationale: Effective delegation depends on clear, concise direction that leaves no room for question or interpretation on the part of the one being delegated to. In this scenario, the most appropriate direction is to ensure the urine specimen is collected promptly and delivered to the lab immediately. Choice A is too vague and does not specify the urgency required. Choice B does not emphasize the immediate need for the specimen to be delivered. Choice C introduces unnecessary medical information that is beyond the scope of a nursing assistant and may cause confusion. Therefore, choice D is the correct answer as it provides clear instructions for immediate action without room for misunderstanding.

Which of the following indicates a hazard for a client on oxygen therapy?

  • A. A 'No Smoking' sign is on the door.
  • B. The client is wearing a synthetic gown.
  • C. Electrical equipment is grounded.
  • D. Matches are removed.

Correct Answer: The client is wearing a synthetic gown.
Rationale: The correct answer is that the client is wearing a synthetic gown. A synthetic gown might generate sparks of static electricity, which can be a fire hazard, especially in the presence of oxygen. Clients on oxygen therapy should wear cotton gowns to minimize the risk of fire. The other options are not hazards for a client on oxygen therapy: having a 'No Smoking' sign on the door promotes safety by preventing smoking, ensuring electrical equipment is grounded reduces the risk of electrical hazards, and removing matches decreases the risk of fire hazards.

A client with cirrhosis of the liver presents with ascites. The physician is to perform a paracentesis. For safety, the nurse should ask the client to:

  • A. drink 1000 cc of fluid prior to the procedure to aid in fluid loss.
  • B. eat foods low in fat.
  • C. empty his bladder prior to the procedure.
  • D. assume the prone position.

Correct Answer: empty his bladder prior to the procedure.
Rationale: When performing a paracentesis, the client must be sitting up to allow the fluid to settle in the lower abdomen. To prevent trauma to the bladder while inserting a needle to aspirate the fluid, the bladder must be empty. Choice A is incorrect as excessive fluid intake can make the procedure more difficult due to increased abdominal distension. Choice B is unrelated to the procedure of paracentesis. Choice D is incorrect as the client should be sitting up, not in the prone position, during the procedure.

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