Safe and Effective Care Environment Nclex PN Questions

Which of the following is least important to test when assessing the client’s motor skills?

    A. strength

    B. knowledge of ergonomics

    C. balance

    D. coordination

Correct Answer: B
Rationale: When assessing a client’s motor skills, it is crucial to evaluate their strength, balance, and coordination as these directly impact their motor abilities. Strength is essential to perform tasks, balance is required for stability, and coordination is necessary for smooth movements. However, knowledge of ergonomics, while beneficial for overall understanding, is not directly related to assessing motor skills. The focus should be on physical abilities rather than theoretical knowledge of ergonomics. Therefore, testing the client’s knowledge of ergonomics is the least important when evaluating their motor skills.

Which of the following statements from a client may indicate that they are at a higher risk for a fall?

  • A. “I would like to get out of bed but would like to put on my non-skid socks first.”
  • B. “Can you make sure the two bedrails are raised before leaving the room?”
  • C. “I think I’m ready to walk a longer distance with the cane today.”
  • D. “I need to get out of bed to go to the bathroom now. I cannot find my glasses but cannot wait.”

Correct Answer: “I need to get out of bed to go to the bathroom now. I cannot find my glasses but cannot wait.”
Rationale: The correct answer is 'I need to get out of bed to go to the bathroom now. I cannot find my glasses but cannot wait.' This statement indicates that the client is in a hurry and unable to find their glasses, which could increase the risk of a fall due to impaired vision. Choice A about putting on non-skid socks shows the client's awareness of fall prevention, reducing the risk. Choice B demonstrates the client's request for bedrails to be raised, which is a safety measure, reducing the risk as well. Choice C suggests the client's readiness to walk a longer distance with a cane, indicating progress in mobility but not necessarily a higher fall risk.

A nurse who works in a medical care unit is told that she must float to the intensive care unit because of a short-staffing problem on that unit. The nurse reports to the unit and is assigned to three clients. The nurse is angry with the assignment because she believes that the assignment is more difficult than the assignment delegated to other nurses on the unit and because the intensive care unit nurses are each assigned only one client. The nurse should most appropriately take which action?

  • A. Refuse to do the assignment
  • B. Tell the nurse manager to call the nursing supervisor
  • C. Return to the medical care unit and discuss the assignment with the nurse manager on that unit
  • D. Ask the nurse manager of the intensive care unit to discuss the assignment

Correct Answer: Ask the nurse manager of the intensive care unit to discuss the assignment
Rationale: In this scenario, the nurse feeling that the assignment is more difficult than what other nurses received should approach the nurse manager of the intensive care unit to discuss the assignment. By doing so, the nurse can seek clarification on the rationale for the assignment or confirm if it is genuinely more challenging. Refusing the assignment is not appropriate as it could impact patient care. Returning to the medical care unit would be considered client abandonment and does not directly address the conflict at hand. Instructing the nurse manager to involve the nursing supervisor is an aggressive approach that does not directly resolve the issue.

The ICU nurse caring for a client who has just been declared brain dead can expect to find evidence of the client’s wishes regarding organ donation:

  • A. on the client’s driver’s license.
  • B. in the client’s safety deposit box.
  • C. in the client’s last will and testament.
  • D. on the client’s insurance card.

Correct Answer: on the client’s driver’s license.
Rationale: In most states, indication of organ donor status is found on the client’s driver’s license, making it easily accessible for decision-making in critical situations like declaring brain death. Evidence in a last will and testament or a safety deposit box may not be promptly available. Information about organ donation is typically not included on insurance cards. The primary care physician's health record documentation could also be a relevant source for the ICU nurse. Therefore, the correct answer is finding evidence of the client’s wishes regarding organ donation on the client’s driver’s license.

A client admitted to the hospital has a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order in his medical record. The nurse understands which information about DNR orders?

  • A. The only individuals who may change the DNR order are healthcare providers
  • B. The DNR order can be changed if the client's condition warrants it
  • C. The DNR order does not remain fixed for the duration of the client's hospitalization
  • D. The DNR order requires frequent review as specified by state or agency policy

Correct Answer: The DNR order requires frequent review as specified by state or agency policy
Rationale: The correct answer is that the DNR order requires frequent review as specified by state or agency policy. If the client’s condition changes, the DNR order may need to be changed. For this reason, DNR orders require frequent review as specified by state or agency policy. A DNR order may be changed at any time and does not remain in effect for the duration of the client’s hospitalization. The client’s request regarding DNR status is the priority. Choice A is incorrect because healthcare providers, not just immediate family members, may change the DNR order based on the client's condition. Choice B is incorrect as DNR orders can be changed if the client's condition warrants it, not remaining unchanged. Choice C is incorrect as DNR orders are not fixed for the duration of hospitalization, they can be modified based on the client's needs.

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