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Esthetician School Online

Every year, 12,400 new esthetician job opportunities arise, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects them to increase by 9% by 2032. Besides guaranteeing a job, estheticians can advance their careers by acquiring unique skincare skills while on the job. Esthetician school online provide the same quality education as in-person training. In this guide, our online class helpers break down the online esthetician class enrollment requirements, lessons, and state licensing obligations. We also take online classes, write down well-structured notes, and attend every lesson for students with busy schedules, ensuring they succeed in their program.

Admission Requirements

Aspiring esthetician school online students must verify they meet the admission requirements when looking for a program. While requirements may differ based on the state and institution, many demand prospective students to be at least 16 to 18 years old and above and have a high school diploma or an equivalent certificate such as the GED.

For estheticians specializing in various skincare areas, some esthetician school online programs might ask for proof of previous training or completed on-the-job hours.

Esthetician School Online Lessons

Esthetician school online equips learners with the knowledge and skills to perform various skincare routines such as facials, waxing, and more. The following is a detailed analysis of the lessons covered by different esthetician programs online:

Skincare Treatment

Students get an introduction to the various skincare regimens that contribute to health and glowing skin. The treatments include deep pore cleansing and techniques such as European, acne, and hydrating skin facials. They also learn to massage the skin while applying high-quality cleansing products.

Salon Management

On top of acquiring beautician skills, students also learn to manage the space where they will be conducting their services. They discover ways to manage the daily operations, from vendors to staff operations and customers. They also learn the appropriate marketing and profit-making strategies for their salon.

Anatomy and Physiology

This lesson gives an overview of the skin structure, including the layers that make up the largest organ in the body. It explains about clients with oily, irritated, naturally dry, sensitive skin with combined traits.

Skin Conditions

Esthetician school online explains the various skin diseases affecting people with different skin types and tones. It covers common conditions like psoriasis, acne, eczema, vitiligo, and lupus. In addition, the lesson explains when these conditions develop, the commonly affected skin areas, and their lasting period.

Makeup Application

Learners gain first-hand knowledge of the correct makeup application techniques for all face complexions and shapes. This practical session covers base application, shading, mapping eyebrows, contouring and highlighting methods, lip, false lashes, and smokey eye makeup application. Students also learn about makeup corrective techniques and industry application standards.

Cosmetic Science

The cosmetic science lesson covers the impact of mixtures and raw materials on the skin, hair, nails, and lips. It also explains popular cosmetic procedures and techniques, such as laser skin resurfacing, dermabrasion, facelift, liposuction, and botulinum injections. Students also learn about the products used in cosmetic procedures and their ingredients, including chemicals and other harmful substances in some cosmetic products.


Esthetician school online programs teach students to perform effective waxing on patients. It explains waxing techniques such as soft, hard fruit, chocolate, sugaring, Brazilian, French, face, and leg waxing that guarantee patient safety.

Sanitation and Safety

Skincare practitioners must maintain hygienic and safety standards in their operations and work environments. This lesson explores sanitation methods such as handwashing, equipment disinfection techniques using chlorine and other approved disinfectants, and sterilization through an autoclave or dry heat sterilizers. Course takers also learn proper disposal of single-use skincare items like tissues, cotton balls, gauze, and surgical tapes.

Esthetician Certification Requirements

States have different esthetician certification requirements. Some states recognize esthetician school online programs, while others prefer on-site training. Understanding the state requirements can help students choose the right program. Below is a list of states that accept online esthetician classes:

  • California
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Maryland
  • New Mexico
  • New Hampshire
  • South Carolina
  • Minnesota
  • Wisconsin
  • Washington
  • Wyoming

Students should check the hours or curriculum percentage allowed for esthetician school online. Most states still require students to complete on-site training before sitting for the licensure exam.

License Renewal Process

After becoming a licensed esthetician and practicing for a while, students must legally renew their licenses to continue providing their services. Many states require esthetician license renewals every two years. Once the time limit expires, they must take an esthetician school online program, as part of continuing education and pay a renewal fee. Some areas students can specialize in while continuing their esthetician education include:

  1. Advanced acne treatments
  2. Microdermabrasion
  3. Aromatherapy
  4. Advanced facial massage techniques
  5. Theatrical makeup

Students should confirm their state renewal guidelines to know the license renewal process.

Pay Someone to Take Esthetician School Online

Esthetician school online offers convenience and flexibility to study while attending to personal and professional obligations. However, students must still do the classes, read the notes, and take practice tests to excel in the classes. Our online exam helpers can take online classes for students and help them revise for the certification exam.

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