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Online CNA Classes Florida

The Florida Board of Nursing requires all CNA applicants to complete a training program in any preferred state-approved school six months before applying. Learners can pursue their education modules on-campus or by taking online CNA classes Florida, after which they must take the Florida Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Exam for licensing. However, their training program must align with the curriculum developed under the Enterprise Florida Jobs and Education Partnership Grant. Our online nursing experts can comfortably handle your Florida CNA Exam, so you don’t miss licensing. In this blog, they delve into the Online CNA classes Florida, explaining the admission requirements, content areas, contact hours, and examinations.

Online CNA Classes Florida: Admission Requirements

Florida online classes for CNAs are open to candidates with high school diplomas or GED equivalent. Prospective CNAs must also be at least 18 years old and submit fingerprints, criminal background checks, government-issued IDs, and a valid placement exam score. Applicants should check with the school administering the course for other in-house requirements.

Online CNA Classes Florida: Registration Fees

Florida CNA Online is one of the top accredited platforms offering online classes in CNA. Their course cost is $79.99. Registered Nursing offers a similar hybrid course at $350. Elite Medical Academy prices its online CNA course at $89. Thus, it is logical to infer that the costs differ depending on the school. However, CNA online courses are cheaper than the LPN modules since they are less in-depth. Most state-approved colleges, such as the Utica, Valencia, and South Technical Institute, charge tuition by credit hours or as a flat fee.

Online CNA Classes Florida: Course Structure and Content Areas

CNA online course curriculum differ depending on the school. However, each program must meet the guidelines of the Enterprise Florida Jobs and Education Partnership Grant. Additionally, the course credit hours differ widely. But they must be at least 24 CEUs, with 12 hours of in-service training. Below are the fundamentals of the CNA online classes in Florida every course must cover:

Florida State Licensure, Examinations, and Eligibility Requirements

This class comes at the beginning or the end of the CNA online classes Florida. It delves into eligibility requirements explained by the Florida Board of Nurses for applicants seeking CNA state licensure. Learners study the role of the accredited training program and pass competency exams. The class focuses on the exam’s format, topics covered, length, number of questions, and strategies they must employ for success.

The Role of a Nursing Assistant

Certified Nursing Assistants have multi-faceted roles, with scope depending on the care facility they operate at. The class on the part of Nursing Assistants covers various aspects of patient care and the responsibilities of certified nursing assistants in holistic care. Learners explore daily activities, interventions, teamwork, and communication between stakeholders.

Infection Control, Dress Code, and Hygiene in Medicare Facilities

Classes on infection control, dress code, and hygiene narrowed down to measures CNAs put in place to make their working environment conducive. They explore using personal protective equipment (PPE), proper handling of wastes, and protocols for eliminating infectious materials. The classes end with adhering to particular dress codes, which help minimize contamination and infection transmission.

The Resident Unit, Communication with Residents, and Resident Care

Classes on Resident Units, communication with Residents, and Resident Care narrow down the care facilities where CNAs work. The modules explain different facilities a CNA can work, how to ensure safety and privacy in those facilities and general cleanliness for hygiene. They also expound on the emotional support given by CNAs to residents and how to recognize signs of mental distress.

The 21 CNA Skills

Certified Nursing Assistance builds upon 21 skills covered in this flashcard. The skills include personal care, recognizing vital signs, mobility, and patient safety. This segment breaks down each skill, explaining its rationale, expert-approved techniques, and step-by-step procedures to follow. Learners must demonstrate hands-on experience of these essential skills before licensing.

Nutrition and Special Procedures

CNAs must be up-to-date in-patient care nutrition to provide all-rounded support. Nutrition and special procedures delve into the dietary needs, meal planning, and other support structures necessary for patients with feeding needs. The class explores strategies like oral wound care, catheter care, and specific expertise in routine maintenance.

Online CNA Classes Florida: Examination

Most schools administer special examinations after the CNA online classes. A typical example is the 50-multiple-choice questions final exam offered by the Stinow Florida CNA for their online course. Some colleges charge students a particular fee for the exam. Learners should also ask the school for a recommendation letter that can help ease their licensing journey.

Hire Comprehensive Support with CNA Online Classes and Exam Florida

Florida passed a law allowing CNAs to administer routine medication to address the critical concerns arising from the state’s increasingly aging population. Taking the online CNA classes in Florida is a blessing for any learner looking for a lucrative career as the state struggles with the critical need for licensed CNAs. Contact our nursing experts for timely and accurate CNA certification exam help for guaranteed success.

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