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Nursing Jurisprudence Exam

The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) developed an extensive set of rules covered in the Texas Nursing Practice Act (NPA) to define the scope of practice among nurses in the state. The board requires all prospective nurses to take the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam before licensing to set the foundation for a quality and ethical nursing profession and ensure NPA is followed. Our nursing exam-take experts explain what the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam entails, including its sections and question types. We also take the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam on behalf of students needing help to perform in the exam due to time pressures and other technical hurdles.

What is the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam?

The nursing Jurisprudence exam is a 35-question standardized exam covering ethical and legal nursing care. The exam assesses an applicant’s understanding of the ethical principles that define nursing standards of care and current laws.  Unlike various nursing exams, the NJE allows students to access the study materials and brainstorm ideas mid-testing. Learners can access the resources on the Board of Nursing (BON) website in a separate tab, surf the web for other relevant resources, and even seek help from our top experts as they handle the questions. The only downside is that they must complete the exam within 2 hours (failure to which they risk being locked out.)

How to Register for the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam

Follow the steps below to register for the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam:

  • Step 1: Register on the Pearson Vue (PV) website and the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam “NJE” website to receive an Authorization to Test (ATT). The ATT is the examinee’s ticket to the BON website. Examinees must pay the $200 PV fee and a non-refundable NJE $25 exam fee.
  • Step 2:  Check the boxes on the eligibility form and submit the fingerprint from Morphotrust for a criminal background check. Learners cannot use fingerprints from any other organization, including the FBI and DPS. Students who have done criminal background checks with BON do not need to pass through the process. Instead, they must verify their previous CBC file on the website. With these steps done, learners should wait for their NJE application status, usually approved within 10 business days.

Who Are Eligible for the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam in Texas?

Nurses seeking a license to practice nursing in Texas must pass the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam to get the RN license. The test is open to all interested individuals, including graduates from various nursing schools, out-of-state nurses, international nurses, and nurses seeking re-licensure after years of inactivity.

The BON website has three testing pages for:

  • Prospective nurses applying as Texas residence
  • Prospective nurses applying as out-of-state residents
  • And for prospective nurses without the U.S. Social Security Number

Applicants ineligible for the test include those with criminal records or disciplinary actions on their previous nursing licenses. Foreign-educated nurses without the required credentials and those with unresolved issues with the Texas Board of Nurses are also ineligible.

What is on the Nursing Jurisprudence?

The NJE contains 50 multiple-choice questions from an e-learning module available on the BON website. Unlike the ACT, HESI, TEAS, and PAX exams, learners can access the study materials as they take the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam. However, they must answer all questions within the 2 hours designated to complete the test. 

NJE questions are from the five sections of the e-Learning module’s chapters. These are:

Chapter 1: Nursing Regulation

Questions from Chapter 1 assess the learner’s understanding of the role of the regulator, public protection principles, and laws governing nursing practice.

Chapter 2: Scope of Nursing

These questions assess the ethical and legal scopes of nursing practice and the roles of nurses in ensuring ethical guidelines.

Chapter 3: Professional Responsibilities and Accountabilities

Chapter 3 Nursing Jurisprudence questions assess understanding of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship. They also assess the applicant’s understanding of their professional boundaries, misconduct in nursing, and mandatory reporting.

Chapter 4: The CNO Standards in Nursing

These questions test the applicant’s understanding of the Ethical considerations and practice standards in nursing. Examinees must also demonstrate their understanding of the nurse’s expectations relating to public protection.

Chapter 5: Quality Assurance and Continued Competence

Questions in Chapter 5 assess the learner’s understanding of the CNO components, including the peer assessment, self-assessment, and practice assessment. Examinees must also demonstrate their understanding of continuing nursing competence. Nursing Jurisprudence Exam Question Types and Dynamics?

The 50 questions in the RN Jurisprudence nursing are all multiple-choice formats. They focus on assessing the learner’s competence across three cognitive abilities:

  • Critical Thinking: Some questions on the NJE require learners to use their analytical skills of scenarios and come up with comprehensive solutions based on their critical thinking.
  • Application: Some questions require learners to apply knowledge learned from the modules to provide straightforward solutions to case problems.
  • Knowledge and Comprehension: These questions test the learner’s ability to understand and recall concepts covered in the modules.

Nursing Jurisprudence Exam Scores and Passing Grades

Each item on the Nursing Jurisprudence exam has a point value that adds to the final grade. The points depend on the complexity and nature of the question. According to the Board of Nurses, Texas, the current passing grades are 75%. The exam is also administered in Ontario, Canada, with passing grades standing at 85%. A 75% score means getting 37.5 points out of the possible 50 points from the exam.

Nursing Jurisprudence Exam: Final Thoughts

Success in the Nursing Jurisprudence Exam is the only hurdle new graduates have toward becoming licensed nurses. Most students wait until the last minute to revise materials since they can access the modules mid-exam and then end up failing. Devote enough time toward preparing for the exam or delegate the exam to nursing experts for guaranteed success.

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