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How to Pass the HESI Exit Exam

A learner’s final score on the HESI exit exam is the yardstick for measuring performance on the NCLEX since the two exams significantly correlate. An empirical and evidence-based statistic shows that getting 850 on HESI guarantees a 90% likelihood of passing the NCLEX. However, this exam presents many conceptual and technical hurdles, which explains why how to pass the HESI exit exam is a common search phrase. In this blog, our test experts explain their top strategies to ace the HESI exit exam. Learners facing HESI exam challenges and self-doubt can delegate their tests to us for remote and accurate assistance.

Ways on How to Pass the HESI Exit Exam

Inadequate resources, high stress levels, and poor motivation are significant hurdles students face when preparing for the HESI exams. Some learners also need help to break monotonous study routines and set clear exam preparation goals. However, the common denominator among learners failing the HESI exam boils down to anxiety resulting from answering complex questions under strict surveillance.

Nursing Elites offers a feasible shortcut that allows students to assign their HESI exams to top experts for professional help. Before the exam, learners must install our unique HESI-proctored exam overpass software. With the software running, we can access their computing devices and key in the exam answers from our end. The beauty of this hack is that it’s 100% safe and guarantees the high 90s since we delegate the test to professors on our databases.  

Make Use of the HESI Retake Chances

Some institutions allow students to retake the HESI exit test twice, while others give three chances within 12 months. Brilliant applicants use retakes as a strategic approach to improve their grades. The first test allows them to review the question dynamics and types and determine their academic standing. It enables them to highlight specific sections to improve on and set clear goals for the next exam.

With areas of weakness highlighted, they can create a study plan that best matches their needs vs. expectations. The schedule should replicate the duration going into individual testing sections. It also accounts for all the practice timed exams needed for full-length preparations. Retakes have only one downside: expenses. The average HESI registration cost is $45, with an additional $25 covering proctoring fees. Learners seeking retakes must pay a minimum of $90, which can be steep for most students.

Take HESI Practice Exam Cold

Unlike most NCLEX and nursing entrance exams, the HESI exit exam comes toward the end of a nursing course. The timing gives the applicant a significant edge: the ability to take a cold test practice. Going in “cold” means taking an assessment without reviewing the materials or concepts learned in class. This strategy allows learners to understand their weaknesses and strengths for better preparation.

Most learners perform poorly in the HESI practice cold exams. However, such scores are eye-openers as they highlight points of weakness to improve on for maximum grades on the actual exams. Likewise, a perfect score helps learners isolate specific areas when preparing for their exams. Additionally, the HESI practice exam could help learners decide on a target and the points they need to meet to bridge the gap.

Identify the Most Common Questions Types on How to Pass the HESI Exit Exam

The HESI exit nursing exam is a computer adaptive test comprising 150 questions learners must complete within 3 hours. Multiple-choice quizzes make a significant portion, primarily featuring four answer choices per question. Learners also tackle multiple responses, fill-in-the-blank, and drag-and-drop quizzes.

Technically, the exam assesses learners’ understanding of ten particular subjects. Examinees should expect questions on Reading and Comprehension, Vocabulary and General Knowledge, Grammar, Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, and Basic Math. Typical HESI questions follow a few testing mechanisms:

  • Applications of basic knowledge: Require learners to apply basic knowledge in solving real-life scenarios. Applicants must improve their critical thinking and analytical skills to ace these exams.
  • Analysis: These questions are higher-level. They require examinees to study graphs and experimental results and identify scientific processes.
  • Evaluation and Synthesis: These questions require learners to synthesize information and apply judgmental skills to conclude. Evaluation and synthesis are the most demanding question types.
  • Math Calculations: The math section has 55 questions learners must complete in 50 minutes. Each question should take less than a minute. Use the pop-up calculator on the computer screen for complex calculations. Most math questions are multi-choice. Eliminate the obviously wrong answers before picking the best guess.

How to Pass the HESI Exit Exam: Bottomline

The HESI exit exam is pivotal as it marks the end of a course and ushers a new academic step toward nursing licensure. To this end, the blog has uncovered how to pass the HESI exit exam using any of the four tips explained above. Feel free to contact us for accurate and timely HESI exam help if you are unsure of your ability to attain high scores.

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